[squid-users] Calculate time spent on website (per ip address)

Leonardo Rodrigues leolistas at solutti.com.br
Wed Feb 11 15:24:35 UTC 2015

On 10/02/15 20:23, Yuri Voinov wrote:
> HTTP is stateless protocol (in most cases, excluding presistant
> connections). So, it is impossible to determine how much time user
> spent on site. Only very approximately. Right?

     in most cases, probably not even close to the real deal !


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	gertrudes at solutti.com.br
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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