[squid-users] TCP_MISS/429

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Aug 26 00:50:14 UTC 2015

On 26/08/2015 12:30 a.m., T3h vICE wrote:
> Thank you Amos for your thoughts.
> I've tried some stuff to filter the error.
> When i'm on my squidsever i can wget http://crushftp/index.html .
> Trying to download the index.html on my Windowsclient gives me 429-Error
> instead.
> Has this maybe something to do with proxy transparency?

Might be. Might not be.

Squid is always properly transparent (in the HTTP meaning) by default.
If the TCP and IP and anonymity definitions of "transparent" are needed
or configured that is something only the admin of the proxy knows and
can change.

Might be that you are not the only user visiting that site through that
proxy, or one its traffic goes through further upstream.

Might be an old server with custom status code predating the specifications.

Might be a lot of other things. Only the admin of the server generating
it actually knows why and when the code is used.

Keep digging. Good luck.

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