[squid-users] Squid + oracle

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Tue Aug 18 14:41:19 UTC 2015

Sometimes I even surprise myself.

I was talking about an OracleDB supported one.
I know that there are other helpers but since Oracle uses another ways 
to run things, the current helpers, as far as I could understood from 
him was not of help to him.

For a sec I forgot that the script is written in perl :\
* This is what happens when working for an hour or two and diving into 
the other world of snmp :D


On 18/08/2015 16:08, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 19/08/2015 12:15 a.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Currently I do not know of such a helper but it is possible to write one.
> You surprise me Eliezer. Thought you had been around long enough to be
> aware of these SQL database helpers:
> <http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/manuals/basic_db_auth.html> and
> <http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/manuals/ext_sql_session_acl.html>
> (and for completeness)
> <http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/manuals/log_db_daemon.html>
> Any database that the Perl DBI module can connect to can be used as a
> backend to these helpers.
>> On 18/08/2015 14:58, adricustodio wrote:
>>> Hello guys.
>>> I got a few questions.
>>> I need to authenticate my squid on my oracle database, is that possible ?
> Assuming you mean an actual SQL database such as Oracles' MySQL product
> then the answer is yes.
> Some other types of database such as BerkleyDB, ActiveDirectory,
> eDirectory, RADIUS, or some flat file formats are also supported in
> various ways.
> Then there is always the possibility of writing your own helper like
> Eliezer mentioned. Thats why we call them add-on helpers.
>>> if its possible, i can do like a captive portal ? like a hotspot for
>>> that ?
> No.
> The problem is simple: Would you hand your credit card and pin number to
> any stranger that walked up and asked you for them ?
> Similarly browsers refuse to hand over authentication credentials to any
> MITM proxy that suddenly appears and demands credentials.
> Like Eliezer mentioned, captive portals must use only _authorization_.
> You redirect non-authorized traffic to a "login" page and have a DB
> record created for clients that successfully completion of some task
> there such as filing out a "login" form. Be aware that has nothing to do
> with HTTP authentication though.
> Squid comes with two helpers designed for captive portals :
> * ext_sql_session_acl uses a SQL database to check some detail like
> client IP, MAC address, or some combo with user-agent against records
> stored there (ie by your portals "login" form).
> * ext_session_acl in "ACTIVE" mode uses clicking on a link to access a
> particular activation URL to create its database records. But that
> helper maintains its own built-in database.
> IMPORTANT: Be careful that the traffic you redirect to your captive
> portal page is an HTML GET request by a browser; not a background tool
> update, PUT / POST / CONNECT method, browser images/video fetches, etc.
>>> The last question is... can i drop the connection of a user on squid
>>> after X
>>> minutes ?
> No. That is not possible. A) there is no "user", B) only idle
> connections can be closed arbitrarily, and C) HTTP is message-based not
> connection-based.
> (C) means that its entirely reasonable for a client to be redirected to
> your portal login page for one request. Then make another request on the
> same connection after portal login has succeeded. The second request
> should be accepted.
>>> For example, every 5 minutes connected the user need to authenticate
>>> again ?
> That is completely unrelated to TCP connections being open or closed.
> In captive potal scenarios it is a session timeout. How you configure it
> depends on the session helper being used. But make sure the
> external_acl_type ttl= parameter is small enough for the timeout to
> happen properly, since the timeout can ony reach the helepr on a
> multiple of the ttl=N seconds.
> With ext_sql_session_acl helper the DB records are maintained separately
> in any way you like. You can set a job going that removed DB records
> after a timeout. Or have the helper SQL query check a session creation
> timestamp in the record is no more than X.
> With ext_session_acl you set a timeout (-T) value and sessions are
> closed at that time since being opened. You can also set an idle timout.
> With a self-written custom helper you do it however you like.
> Amos
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