[squid-users] redirect all ports to squid

Leonardo Rodrigues leolistas at solutti.com.br
Tue Sep 30 21:59:55 UTC 2014

On 30/09/14 18:49, James Harper wrote:
>> It's possible to redirect all ports to squid ? thru iptables ?
>> For example port 25 smtp,143 imap, etc...
>> Can squid handle that. In transparent mode.
> So in short it works, but not as well as it could, and you might be better of finding another solution. The main reason I was interested is that Squid already has a very nice acl implementation, and there are already a number of good log analysis tools for it.

     Despite the fact it can work with some heavy tweaking as you 
pointed, it's important to have it clear that "it was NOT designed for 
that". Squid was designed to be an http/https proxy, not a general tcp 
applications one. As said, despite it can work, other solutions designed 
for that specific protocol will surely make a much better work.


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

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