[squid-users] squid cache Large rock with aufs optimization for bandwidth saving

Ahmed Allzaeem ahmed.zaeem at netstream.ps
Sun Nov 16 13:24:38 UTC 2014

Hi Amos , thank you

Really sorry to ask you  , wts needed to be done to use largerock support ?

I mean wt wring im doing ?

Also about the cace_mem directive , as I understood this value  per worker or per process.
And here im not using rock , so its not shared , I have about 32 Gram total.

Can you correct nme about setting cache_mem  directive ? also guide me wts needed to enable caching large object size like 512k - 1 M or even 2 M


-----Original Message-----
From: squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] On Behalf Of Amos Jeffries
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:11 PM
To: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] squid cache Large rock with aufs optimization for bandwidth saving

Hash: SHA1

On 16/11/2014 8:07 p.m., Ahmed Allzaeem wrote:
> Hi developers .

The developers are not here. This is the user mailing list.

> But still wondering , why after im using squid3.head that support 
> large rock and using aufs with 4 processes with object size about 4 M 
> configured in each prcess .the mean size is about 38 KB ???

1) while your Squid supports large objects in rock stores you are not actually using that. So your Squid workers are still stuck with only the memory cache shared, and disk caches separate.

2) you have several different cache_mem values spread across the workers. Only the last cache_mem matters so you have only 6GB used by any worker. Not the 25GB you may think some are using.

3) you are doign similar things with minimum_object_size. But again oly the last configured value matters. So its 0 for all workers.

The mean object size is just an average of all the cacheable traffic your proxy is processing. Bandwidth savings is more closely related to
*total* cacheable traffic than an average of individual object sizes.


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