[squid-dev] [PATCH] HTTP Response Parser upgrade

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Jan 23 19:37:21 UTC 2015

Updated patch including all changes made after previous review.

Most significantly:

* rearranging the cascade of Tokenizer calls into if-conditional
operations with token+delimiter pairs outlining the success case
explicitly then assuming failure. Earlier patch did the opposite;
determining significant failures and assuming success otherwise.
 - giving shorter code, and somewhat easier readability.

* updating the Tokenizer int64 API to handle limited-length scans and
optional +/- symbols.

Polygraph and Coadvisor testing shows no significant change since
previous patch.


-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
--- src/client_side.cc	2015-01-18 18:49:26 +0000
+++ src/client_side.cc	2015-01-20 12:32:04 +0000
@@ -2030,41 +2030,41 @@
                                               CharacterSet::HEXDIG + CharacterSet::ALPHA + CharacterSet::DIGIT;
         if (!tok.skipAll(authority))
         static const SBuf slashUri("/");
         const SBuf t = tok.remaining();
         if (t.isEmpty())
             url = slashUri;
         else if (t[0]=='/') // looks like path
             url = t;
         else if (t[0]=='?' || t[0]=='#') { // looks like query or fragment. fix '/'
             url = slashUri;
         } // else do nothing. invalid path
     } while(false);
     // reject URI which are not well-formed even after the processing above
     if (url.isEmpty() || url[0] != '/') {
-        hp->request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+        hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return conn->abortRequestParsing("error:invalid-request");
     if (vport < 0)
         vport = http->getConn()->clientConnection->local.port();
     const bool switchedToHttps = conn->switchedToHttps();
     const bool tryHostHeader = vhost || switchedToHttps;
     char *host = NULL;
     if (tryHostHeader && (host = hp->getHeaderField("Host"))) {
         debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL VHOST REWRITE: vhost=" << host << " + vport=" << vport);
         char thost[256];
         if (vport > 0) {
             thost[0] = '\0';
             char *t = NULL;
             if (host[strlen(host)] != ']' && (t = strrchr(host,':')) != NULL) {
                 strncpy(thost, host, (t-host));
                 snprintf(thost+(t-host), sizeof(thost)-(t-host), ":%d", vport);
                 host = thost;
@@ -2146,76 +2146,76 @@
  *          a ClientSocketContext structure on success or failure.
 ClientSocketContext *
 parseHttpRequest(ConnStateData *csd, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp)
     /* Attempt to parse the first line; this will define where the method, url, version and header begin */
         const bool parsedOk = hp->parse(csd->in.buf);
         if (csd->port->flags.isIntercepted() && Config.accessList.on_unsupported_protocol)
             csd->preservedClientData = csd->in.buf;
         // sync the buffers after parsing.
         csd->in.buf = hp->remaining();
         if (hp->needsMoreData()) {
             debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete request, waiting for end of request line");
             return NULL;
         if (!parsedOk) {
-            if (hp->request_parse_status == Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge || hp->request_parse_status == Http::scUriTooLong)
+            if (hp->parseStatusCode == Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge || hp->parseStatusCode == Http::scUriTooLong)
                 return csd->abortRequestParsing("error:request-too-large");
             return csd->abortRequestParsing("error:invalid-request");
     /* We know the whole request is in parser now */
     debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Client " << csd->clientConnection);
     debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Client REQUEST:\n---------\n" <<
            hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol() << "\n" <<
            hp->mimeHeader() <<
     /* deny CONNECT via accelerated ports */
     if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_CONNECT && csd->port != NULL && csd->port->flags.accelSurrogate) {
         debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: CONNECT method received on " << csd->transferProtocol << " Accelerator port " << csd->port->s.port());
         debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: for request: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol());
-        hp->request_parse_status = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
+        hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
         return csd->abortRequestParsing("error:method-not-allowed");
     /* draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-16 section 11.6 registers the method PRI as HTTP/2 specific
      * Deny "PRI" method if used in HTTP/1.x or 0.9 versions.
      * If seen it signals a broken client or proxy has corrupted the traffic.
     if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_PRI && hp->messageProtocol() < Http::ProtocolVersion(2,0)) {
         debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: PRI method received on " << csd->transferProtocol << " port " << csd->port->s.port());
         debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: for request: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol());
-        hp->request_parse_status = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
+        hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
         return csd->abortRequestParsing("error:method-not-allowed");
     if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_NONE) {
         debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Unsupported method: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol());
-        hp->request_parse_status = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
+        hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed;
         return csd->abortRequestParsing("error:unsupported-request-method");
     // Process headers after request line
     debugs(33, 3, "complete request received. " <<
            "prefix_sz = " << hp->messageHeaderSize() <<
            ", request-line-size=" << hp->firstLineSize() <<
            ", mime-header-size=" << hp->headerBlockSize() <<
            ", mime header block:\n" << hp->mimeHeader() << "\n----------");
     /* Ok, all headers are received */
     ClientHttpRequest *http = new ClientHttpRequest(csd);
     http->req_sz = hp->messageHeaderSize();
     ClientSocketContext *result = new ClientSocketContext(csd->clientConnection, http);
     StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer;
     tempBuffer.data = result->reqbuf;
     tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ;

=== modified file 'src/clients/Client.cc'
--- src/clients/Client.cc	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/clients/Client.cc	2015-01-23 06:22:39 +0000
@@ -956,42 +956,77 @@
     assert(!adaptationAccessCheckPending); // or would need to buffer while waiting
     if (startedAdaptation) {
         adaptVirginReplyBody(data, len);
     storeReplyBody(data, len);
 // writes virgin or adapted reply body to store
 Client::storeReplyBody(const char *data, ssize_t len)
     // write even if len is zero to push headers towards the client side
     entry->write (StoreIOBuffer(len, currentOffset, (char*)data));
     currentOffset += len;
-size_t Client::replyBodySpace(const MemBuf &readBuf,
-                              const size_t minSpace) const
+Client::calcBufferSpaceToReserve(size_t space, const size_t wantSpace) const
+    if (space < wantSpace) {
+        const size_t maxSpace = SBuf::maxSize; // absolute best
+        space = min(wantSpace, maxSpace); // do not promise more than asked
+    }
+    if (responseBodyBuffer) {
+        return 0;	// Stop reading if already overflowed waiting for ICAP to catch up
+    }
+    if (virginBodyDestination != NULL) {
+        /*
+         * BodyPipe buffer has a finite size limit.  We
+         * should not read more data from the network than will fit
+         * into the pipe buffer or we _lose_ what did not fit if
+         * the response ends sooner that BodyPipe frees up space:
+         * There is no code to keep pumping data into the pipe once
+         * response ends and serverComplete() is called.
+         */
+        const size_t adaptor_space = virginBodyDestination->buf().potentialSpaceSize();
+        debugs(11,9, "Client may read up to min(" <<
+               adaptor_space << ", " << space << ") bytes");
+        if (adaptor_space < space)
+            space = adaptor_space;
+    }
+    return space;
+Client::replyBodySpace(const MemBuf &readBuf, const size_t minSpace) const
     size_t space = readBuf.spaceSize(); // available space w/o heroic measures
     if (space < minSpace) {
         const size_t maxSpace = readBuf.potentialSpaceSize(); // absolute best
         space = min(minSpace, maxSpace); // do not promise more than asked
     if (responseBodyBuffer) {
         return 0;   // Stop reading if already overflowed waiting for ICAP to catch up
     if (virginBodyDestination != NULL) {
          * BodyPipe buffer has a finite size limit.  We
          * should not read more data from the network than will fit
          * into the pipe buffer or we _lose_ what did not fit if
          * the response ends sooner that BodyPipe frees up space:
          * There is no code to keep pumping data into the pipe once
          * response ends and serverComplete() is called.

=== modified file 'src/clients/Client.h'
--- src/clients/Client.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/clients/Client.h	2015-01-23 06:22:55 +0000
@@ -126,41 +126,44 @@
     void handleAdaptationAborted(bool bypassable = false);
     /// called by StoreEntry when it has more buffer space available
     void resumeBodyStorage();
     /// called when the entire adapted response body is consumed
     void endAdaptedBodyConsumption();
     const HttpReply *virginReply() const;
     HttpReply *virginReply();
     HttpReply *setVirginReply(HttpReply *r);
     HttpReply *finalReply();
     HttpReply *setFinalReply(HttpReply *r);
     // Kids use these to stuff data into the response instead of messing with the entry directly
     void adaptOrFinalizeReply();
     void addVirginReplyBody(const char *buf, ssize_t len);
     void storeReplyBody(const char *buf, ssize_t len);
+    /// \deprecated use SBuf I/O API and calcBufferSpaceToReserve() instead
     size_t replyBodySpace(const MemBuf &readBuf, const size_t minSpace) const;
+    /// determine how much space the buffer needs to reserve
+    size_t calcBufferSpaceToReserve(const size_t space, const size_t wantSpace) const;
     void adjustBodyBytesRead(const int64_t delta);
     // These should be private
     int64_t currentOffset;  /**< Our current offset in the StoreEntry */
     MemBuf *responseBodyBuffer; /**< Data temporarily buffered for ICAP */
 public: // should not be
     StoreEntry *entry;
     FwdState::Pointer fwd;
     HttpRequest *request;
     BodyPipe::Pointer requestBodySource;  /**< to consume request body */
     AsyncCall::Pointer requestSender;     /**< set if we are expecting Comm::Write to call us back */
     BodyPipe::Pointer virginBodyDestination;  /**< to provide virgin response body */
     CbcPointer<Adaptation::Initiate> adaptedHeadSource;  /**< to get adapted response headers */
     BodyPipe::Pointer adaptedBodySource;      /**< to consume adated response body */

=== modified file 'src/comm/Read.cc'
--- src/comm/Read.cc	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/comm/Read.cc	2015-01-14 11:07:42 +0000
@@ -65,41 +65,43 @@
     // Make sure we are either not reading or just passively monitoring.
     // Active/passive conflicts are OK and simply cancel passive monitoring.
     if (ccb->active()) {
         // if the assertion below fails, we have an active comm_read conflict
         assert(fd_table[conn->fd].halfClosedReader != NULL);
     ccb->conn = conn;
     /* Queue the read */
     ccb->setCallback(Comm::IOCB_READ, callback, (char *)buf, NULL, size);
     Comm::SetSelect(conn->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, Comm::HandleRead, ccb, 0);
 Comm::ReadNow(CommIoCbParams &params, SBuf &buf)
     /* Attempt a read */
     ++ statCounter.syscalls.sock.reads;
-    const SBuf::size_type sz = buf.spaceSize();
+    SBuf::size_type sz = buf.spaceSize();
+    if (params.size > 0 && params.size < sz)
+        sz = params.size;
     char *inbuf = buf.rawSpace(sz);
     errno = 0;
     const int retval = FD_READ_METHOD(params.conn->fd, inbuf, sz);
     params.xerrno = errno;
     debugs(5, 3, params.conn << ", size " << sz << ", retval " << retval << ", errno " << params.xerrno);
     if (retval > 0) { // data read most common case
         buf.append(inbuf, retval);
         fd_bytes(params.conn->fd, retval, FD_READ);
         params.flag = Comm::OK;
         params.size = retval;
     } else if (retval == 0) { // remote closure (somewhat less) common
         // Note - read 0 == socket EOF, which is a valid read.
         params.flag = Comm::ENDFILE;
     } else if (retval < 0) { // connection errors are worst-case
         debugs(5, 3, params.conn << " Comm::COMM_ERROR: " << xstrerr(params.xerrno));
         if (ignoreErrno(params.xerrno))

=== modified file 'src/comm/Read.h'
--- src/comm/Read.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/comm/Read.h	2015-01-14 11:07:42 +0000
@@ -15,40 +15,43 @@
 class SBuf;
 namespace Comm
  * Start monitoring for read.
  * callback is scheduled when the read is possible,
  * or on file descriptor close.
 void Read(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback);
 /// whether the FD socket is being monitored for read
 bool MonitorsRead(int fd);
  * Perform a read(2) on a connection immediately.
+ * If params.size is non-zero will limit size of the read to either
+ * the buffer free space or params.size, whichever is smallest.
+ *
  * The returned flag is also placed in params.flag.
  * \retval Comm::OK          data has been read and placed in buf, amount in params.size
  * \retval Comm::COMM_ERROR  an error occured, the code is placed in params.xerrno
  * \retval Comm::INPROGRESS  unable to read at this time, or a minor error occured
  * \retval Comm::ENDFILE     0-byte read has occured.
  *                           Usually indicates the remote end has disconnected.
 Comm::Flag ReadNow(CommIoCbParams &params, SBuf &buf);
 /// Cancel the read pending on FD. No action if none pending.
 void ReadCancel(int fd, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback);
 /// callback handler to process an FD which is available for reading
 extern PF HandleRead;
 } // namespace Comm
 // Legacy API to be removed
 void comm_read_base(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *buf, int len, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback);

=== modified file 'src/http.cc'
--- src/http.cc	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http.cc	2015-01-23 06:34:14 +0000
@@ -5,60 +5,62 @@
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 /* DEBUG: section 11    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) */
  * Anonymizing patch by lutz at as-node.jena.thur.de
  * have a look into http-anon.c to get more informations.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h"
 #include "base/AsyncJobCalls.h"
 #include "base/TextException.h"
 #include "base64.h"
 #include "CachePeer.h"
 #include "ChunkedCodingParser.h"
 #include "client_side.h"
 #include "comm/Connection.h"
+#include "comm/Read.h"
 #include "comm/Write.h"
+#include "CommRead.h"
 #include "err_detail_type.h"
 #include "errorpage.h"
 #include "fd.h"
 #include "fde.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "http.h"
+#include "http/one/ResponseParser.h"
 #include "HttpControlMsg.h"
 #include "HttpHdrCc.h"
 #include "HttpHdrContRange.h"
 #include "HttpHdrSc.h"
 #include "HttpHdrScTarget.h"
 #include "HttpHeaderTools.h"
 #include "HttpReply.h"
 #include "HttpRequest.h"
 #include "HttpStateFlags.h"
 #include "log/access_log.h"
 #include "MemBuf.h"
 #include "MemObject.h"
-#include "mime_header.h"
 #include "neighbors.h"
 #include "peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h"
 #include "profiler/Profiler.h"
 #include "refresh.h"
 #include "RefreshPattern.h"
 #include "rfc1738.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "SquidTime.h"
 #include "StatCounters.h"
 #include "Store.h"
 #include "StrList.h"
 #include "tools.h"
 #include "URL.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
 #include "DelayPools.h"
@@ -66,92 +68,89 @@
 #define SQUID_EXIT_THROWING_CODE(status) \
     status = true; \
     } \
     catch (const std::exception &e) { \
     debugs (11, 1, "Exception error:" << e.what()); \
     status = false; \
 static const char *const crlf = "\r\n";
 static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry *, Http::StatusCode);
 static void copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest(const HttpHeaderEntry *e, const String strConnection, const HttpRequest * request,
         HttpHeader * hdr_out, const int we_do_ranges, const HttpStateFlags &);
 //Declared in HttpHeaderTools.cc
 void httpHdrAdd(HttpHeader *heads, HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, HeaderWithAclList &headers_add);
-HttpStateData::HttpStateData(FwdState *theFwdState) : AsyncJob("HttpStateData"), Client(theFwdState),
-    lastChunk(0), header_bytes_read(0), reply_bytes_read(0),
-    body_bytes_truncated(0), httpChunkDecoder(NULL)
+HttpStateData::HttpStateData(FwdState *theFwdState) :
+        AsyncJob("HttpStateData"),
+        Client(theFwdState),
+        lastChunk(0),
+        httpChunkDecoder(NULL),
+        payloadSeen(0),
+        payloadTruncated(0)
     debugs(11,5,HERE << "HttpStateData " << this << " created");
     ignoreCacheControl = false;
     surrogateNoStore = false;
     serverConnection = fwd->serverConnection();
-    readBuf = new MemBuf;
-    readBuf->init(16*1024, 256*1024);
     // reset peer response time stats for %<pt
     request->hier.peer_http_request_sent.tv_sec = 0;
     request->hier.peer_http_request_sent.tv_usec = 0;
     if (fwd->serverConnection() != NULL)
         _peer = cbdataReference(fwd->serverConnection()->getPeer());         /* might be NULL */
     if (_peer) {
         request->flags.proxying = true;
          * This NEIGHBOR_PROXY_ONLY check probably shouldn't be here.
          * We might end up getting the object from somewhere else if,
          * for example, the request to this neighbor fails.
         if (_peer->options.proxy_only)
      * register the handler to free HTTP state data when the FD closes
     typedef CommCbMemFunT<HttpStateData, CommCloseCbParams> Dialer;
     closeHandler = JobCallback(9, 5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed);
     comm_add_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler);
      * don't forget that ~Client() gets called automatically
-    if (!readBuf->isNull())
-        readBuf->clean();
-    delete readBuf;
     if (httpChunkDecoder)
         delete httpChunkDecoder;
     debugs(11,5, HERE << "HttpStateData " << this << " destroyed; " << serverConnection);
 const Comm::ConnectionPointer &
 HttpStateData::dataConnection() const
     return serverConnection;
 HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &params)
     debugs(11, 5, "httpStateFree: FD " << params.fd << ", httpState=" << params.data);
@@ -680,87 +679,121 @@
  * This creates the error page itself.. its likely
  * that the forward ported reply header max size patch
  * generates non http conformant error pages - in which
  * case the errors where should be 'BAD_GATEWAY' etc
     /** Creates a blank header. If this routine is made incremental, this will not do */
     /* NP: all exit points to this function MUST call ctx_exit(ctx) */
     Ctx ctx = ctx_enter(entry->mem_obj->urlXXX());
     debugs(11, 3, "processReplyHeader: key '" << entry->getMD5Text() << "'");
-    if (!readBuf->hasContent()) {
+    if (!inBuf.length()) {
-    Http::StatusCode error = Http::scNone;
+    /* Attempt to parse the first line; this will define where the protocol, status, reason-phrase and header begin */
+    {
+        if (hp == NULL)
+            hp = new Http1::ResponseParser;
+        bool parsedOk = hp->parse(inBuf);
+        // sync the buffers after parsing.
+        inBuf = hp->remaining();
+        if (hp->needsMoreData()) {
+            if (eof) { // no more data coming
+                /* Bug 2879: Replies may terminate with \r\n then EOF instead of \r\n\r\n.
+                 * We also may receive truncated responses.
+                 * Ensure here that we have at minimum two \r\n when EOF is seen.
+                 */
+                inBuf.append("\r\n\r\n", 4);
+                // retry the parse
+                parsedOk = hp->parse(inBuf);
+                // sync the buffers after parsing.
+                inBuf = hp->remaining();
+            } else {
+                debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete response, waiting for end of response headers");
+                ctx_exit(ctx);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
-    HttpReply *newrep = new HttpReply;
-    const bool parsed = newrep->parse(readBuf, eof, &error);
+        flags.headers_parsed = true;
-    if (!parsed && readBuf->contentSize() > 5 && strncmp(readBuf->content(), "HTTP/", 5) != 0 && strncmp(readBuf->content(), "ICY", 3) != 0) {
-        MemBuf *mb;
-        HttpReply *tmprep = new HttpReply;
-        tmprep->setHeaders(Http::scOkay, "Gatewaying", NULL, -1, -1, -1);
-        tmprep->header.putExt("X-Transformed-From", "HTTP/0.9");
-        mb = tmprep->pack();
-        newrep->parse(mb, eof, &error);
-        delete mb;
-        delete tmprep;
-    } else {
-        if (!parsed && error > 0) { // unrecoverable parsing error
-            debugs(11, 3, "processReplyHeader: Non-HTTP-compliant header: '" <<  readBuf->content() << "'");
-            flags.headers_parsed = true;
-            // XXX: when sanityCheck is gone and Http::StatusLine is used to parse,
-            //   the sline should be already set the appropriate values during that parser stage
-            newrep->sline.set(Http::ProtocolVersion(), error);
+        if (!parsedOk) {
+            // unrecoverable parsing error
+            debugs(11, 3, "Non-HTTP-compliant header:\n---------\n" << inBuf << "\n----------");
+            HttpReply *newrep = new HttpReply;
+            newrep->sline.set(Http::ProtocolVersion(), hp->messageStatus());
             HttpReply *vrep = setVirginReply(newrep);
+            // XXX: close the server connection ?
+    }
-        if (!parsed) { // need more data
-            assert(!error);
-            assert(!eof);
-            delete newrep;
-            ctx_exit(ctx);
-            return;
-        }
+    /* We know the whole response is in parser now */
+    debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server " << serverConnection);
+    debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server RESPONSE:\n---------\n" <<
+           hp->messageProtocol() << " " << hp->messageStatus() << " " << hp->reasonPhrase() << "\n" <<
+           hp->mimeHeader() <<
+           "----------");
-        debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server " << serverConnection);
-        debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server REPLY:\n---------\n" << readBuf->content() << "\n----------");
+    // reset payload tracking to begin after message headers
+    payloadSeen = inBuf.length();
-        header_bytes_read = headersEnd(readBuf->content(), readBuf->contentSize());
-        readBuf->consume(header_bytes_read);
+    HttpReply *newrep = new HttpReply;
+    // XXX: RFC 7230 indicates we MAY ignore the reason phrase,
+    //      and use an empty string on unknown status.
+    //      We do that now to avoid performance regression from using SBuf::c_str()
+    newrep->sline.set(Http::ProtocolVersion(1,1), hp->messageStatus() /* , hp->reasonPhrase() */);
+    newrep->sline.protocol = newrep->sline.version.protocol = hp->messageProtocol().protocol;
+    newrep->sline.version.major = hp->messageProtocol().major;
+    newrep->sline.version.minor = hp->messageProtocol().minor;
+    // parse headers
+    newrep->pstate = psReadyToParseHeaders;
+    if (newrep->httpMsgParseStep(hp->mimeHeader().rawContent(), hp->mimeHeader().length(), true) < 0) {
+        // XXX: when Http::ProtocolVersion is a function, remove this hack. just set with messageProtocol()
+        newrep->sline.set(Http::ProtocolVersion(), Http::scInvalidHeader);
+        newrep->sline.version.protocol = hp->messageProtocol().protocol;
+        newrep->sline.version.major = hp->messageProtocol().major;
+        newrep->sline.version.minor = hp->messageProtocol().minor;
+        debugs(11, 2, "error parsing response headers mime block");
+    // done with Parser, now process using the HttpReply
+    hp = NULL;
     if (newrep->sline.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && newrep->sline.status() >= 100 && newrep->sline.status() < 200) {
     flags.chunked = false;
     if (newrep->sline.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && newrep->header.chunked()) {
         flags.chunked = true;
         httpChunkDecoder = new ChunkedCodingParser;
     if (!peerSupportsConnectionPinning())
         request->flags.connectionAuthDisabled = true;
     HttpReply *vrep = setVirginReply(newrep);
     flags.headers_parsed = true;
@@ -807,46 +840,41 @@
     debugs(11, 2, HERE << "forwarding 1xx to client");
     // the Sink will use this to call us back after writing 1xx to the client
     typedef NullaryMemFunT<HttpStateData> CbDialer;
     const AsyncCall::Pointer cb = JobCallback(11, 3, CbDialer, this,
     CallJobHere1(11, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData,
                  ConnStateData::sendControlMsg, HttpControlMsg(msg, cb));
     // If the call is not fired, then the Sink is gone, and HttpStateData
     // will terminate due to an aborted store entry or another similar error.
     // If we get stuck, it is not handle1xx fault if we could get stuck
     // for similar reasons without a 1xx response.
 /// restores state and resumes processing after 1xx is ignored or forwarded
-    debugs(11, 2, HERE << "consuming " << header_bytes_read <<
-           " header and " << reply_bytes_read << " body bytes read after 1xx");
-    header_bytes_read = 0;
-    reply_bytes_read = 0;
+    debugs(11, 2, "continuing with " << payloadSeen << " bytes in buffer after 1xx");
     CallJobHere(11, 3, this, HttpStateData, HttpStateData::processReply);
  * returns true if the peer can support connection pinning
 bool HttpStateData::peerSupportsConnectionPinning() const
     const HttpReply *rep = entry->mem_obj->getReply();
     const HttpHeader *hdr = &rep->header;
     bool rc;
     String header;
     if (!_peer)
         return true;
     /*If this peer does not support connection pinning (authenticated
       connections) return false
     if (!_peer->connection_auth)
@@ -1068,154 +1096,175 @@
      * sure about the end of response, so we are calling the statusIfComplete to
      * decide if we can be persistant
     if (lastChunk && flags.chunked)
         return statusIfComplete();
     const HttpReply *vrep = virginReply();
     debugs(11, 5, "persistentConnStatus: content_length=" << vrep->content_length);
     const int64_t clen = vrep->bodySize(request->method);
     debugs(11, 5, "persistentConnStatus: clen=" << clen);
     /* If the body size is unknown we must wait for EOF */
     if (clen < 0)
         return INCOMPLETE_MSG;
     /** \par
      * If the body size is known, we must wait until we've gotten all of it. */
     if (clen > 0) {
-        // old technique:
-        // if (entry->mem_obj->endOffset() < vrep->content_length + vrep->hdr_sz)
-        const int64_t body_bytes_read = reply_bytes_read - header_bytes_read;
-        debugs(11,5, "persistentConnStatus: body_bytes_read=" <<
-               body_bytes_read << " content_length=" << vrep->content_length);
+        debugs(11,5, "payloadSeen=" << payloadSeen << " content_length=" << vrep->content_length);
-        if (body_bytes_read < vrep->content_length)
+        if (payloadSeen < vrep->content_length)
             return INCOMPLETE_MSG;
-        if (body_bytes_truncated > 0) // already read more than needed
+        if (payloadTruncated > 0) // already read more than needed
             return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; // disable pconns
     /** \par
      * If there is no message body or we got it all, we can be persistent */
     return statusIfComplete();
-/* XXX this function is too long! */
+static void
+readDelayed(void *context, CommRead const &)
+    HttpStateData *state = static_cast<HttpStateData*>(context);
+    state->flags.do_next_read = true;
+    state->maybeReadVirginBody();
 HttpStateData::readReply(const CommIoCbParams &io)
-    int bin;
-    int clen;
-    int len = io.size;
+    Must(!flags.do_next_read); // XXX: should have been set false by mayReadVirginBody()
     flags.do_next_read = false;
-    debugs(11, 5, HERE << io.conn << ": len " << len << ".");
+    debugs(11, 5, io.conn);
     // Bail out early on Comm::ERR_CLOSING - close handlers will tidy up for us
     if (io.flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING) {
         debugs(11, 3, "http socket closing");
     if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
         abortTransaction("store entry aborted while reading reply");
-    // handle I/O errors
-    if (io.flag != Comm::OK || len < 0) {
-        debugs(11, 2, HERE << io.conn << ": read failure: " << xstrerror() << ".");
+    Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection));
+    Must(io.conn->fd == serverConnection->fd);
-        if (ignoreErrno(io.xerrno)) {
-            flags.do_next_read = true;
-        } else {
-            ErrorState *err = new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request);
-            err->xerrno = io.xerrno;
-            fwd->fail(err);
-            flags.do_next_read = false;
-            serverConnection->close();
+    /*
+     * Don't reset the timeout value here. The value should be
+     * counting Config.Timeout.request and applies to the request
+     * as a whole, not individual read() calls.
+     * Plus, it breaks our lame *HalfClosed() detection
+     */
+    CommIoCbParams rd(this); // will be expanded with ReadNow results
+    rd.conn = io.conn;
+    rd.size = entry->bytesWanted(Range<size_t>(0, inBuf.spaceSize()));
+    if (rd.size < 1) {
+        assert(entry->mem_obj);
+        /* read ahead limit */
+        /* Perhaps these two calls should both live in MemObject */
+        AsyncCall::Pointer nilCall;
+        if (!entry->mem_obj->readAheadPolicyCanRead()) {
+            entry->mem_obj->delayRead(DeferredRead(readDelayed, this, CommRead(io.conn, NULL, 0, nilCall)));
+            return;
+        /* delay id limit */
+        entry->mem_obj->mostBytesAllowed().delayRead(DeferredRead(readDelayed, this, CommRead(io.conn, NULL, 0, nilCall)));
+    switch (Comm::ReadNow(rd, inBuf)) {
+    case Comm::INPROGRESS:
+        if (inBuf.isEmpty())
+            debugs(33, 2, io.conn << ": no data to process, " << xstrerr(rd.xerrno));
+        maybeReadVirginBody();
+        return;
-    // update I/O stats
-    if (len > 0) {
-        readBuf->appended(len);
-        reply_bytes_read += len;
+    case Comm::OK:
+    {
+        payloadSeen += rd.size;
         DelayId delayId = entry->mem_obj->mostBytesAllowed();
-        delayId.bytesIn(len);
+        delayId.bytesIn(rd.size);
-        kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.all.kbytes_in), len);
-        kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.http.kbytes_in), len);
+        kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.all.kbytes_in), rd.size);
+        kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.http.kbytes_in), rd.size);
         ++ IOStats.Http.reads;
-        for (clen = len - 1, bin = 0; clen; ++bin)
+        int bin = 0;
+        for (int clen = rd.size - 1; clen; ++bin)
             clen >>= 1;
         ++ IOStats.Http.read_hist[bin];
         // update peer response time stats (%<pt)
         const timeval &sent = request->hier.peer_http_request_sent;
         if (sent.tv_sec)
             tvSub(request->hier.peer_response_time, sent, current_time);
             request->hier.peer_response_time.tv_sec = -1;
-    /** \par
-     * Here the RFC says we should ignore whitespace between replies, but we can't as
-     * doing so breaks HTTP/0.9 replies beginning with witespace, and in addition
-     * the response splitting countermeasures is extremely likely to trigger on this,
-     * not allowing connection reuse in the first place.
-     *
-     * 2012-02-10: which RFC? not 2068 or 2616,
-     *     tolerance there is all about whitespace between requests and header tokens.
-     */
+        /* Continue to process previously read data */
+        break;
-    if (len == 0) { // reached EOF?
+    case Comm::ENDFILE: // close detected by 0-byte read
         eof = 1;
         flags.do_next_read = false;
-        /* Bug 2879: Replies may terminate with \r\n then EOF instead of \r\n\r\n
-         * Ensure here that we have at minimum two \r\n when EOF is seen.
-         * TODO: Add eof parameter to headersEnd() and move this hack there.
-         */
-        if (readBuf->contentSize() && !flags.headers_parsed) {
-            /*
-             * Yes Henrik, there is a point to doing this.  When we
-             * called httpProcessReplyHeader() before, we didn't find
-             * the end of headers, but now we are definately at EOF, so
-             * we want to process the reply headers.
-             */
-            /* Fake an "end-of-headers" to work around such broken servers */
-            readBuf->append("\r\n", 2);
+        /* Continue to process previously read data */
+        break;
+        // case Comm::COMM_ERROR:
+    default: // no other flags should ever occur
+        debugs(11, 2, io.conn << ": read failure: " << xstrerr(rd.xerrno));
+        if (ignoreErrno(rd.xerrno)) {
+            flags.do_next_read = true;
+        } else {
+            ErrorState *err = new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request);
+            err->xerrno = rd.xerrno;
+            fwd->fail(err);
+            flags.do_next_read = false;
+            io.conn->close();
+        return;
+    /* Process next response from buffer */
 /// processes the already read and buffered response data, possibly after
 /// waiting for asynchronous 1xx control message processing
     if (flags.handling1xx) { // we came back after handling a 1xx response
         debugs(11, 5, HERE << "done with 1xx handling");
         flags.handling1xx = false;
     if (!flags.headers_parsed) { // have not parsed headers yet?
@@ -1227,145 +1276,152 @@
     // kick more reads if needed and/or process the response body, if any
     processReplyBody(); // may call serverComplete()
  \retval true    if we can continue with processing the body or doing ICAP.
     if (flags.handling1xx) {
         debugs(11, 5, HERE << "wait for 1xx handling");
         return false;
     if (!flags.headers_parsed && !eof) {
-        debugs(11, 9, HERE << "needs more at " << readBuf->contentSize());
+        debugs(11, 9, "needs more at " << inBuf.length());
         flags.do_next_read = true;
         /** \retval false If we have not finished parsing the headers and may get more data.
          *                Schedules more reads to retrieve the missing data.
         maybeReadVirginBody(); // schedules all kinds of reads; TODO: rename
         return false;
     /** If we are done with parsing, check for errors */
     err_type error = ERR_NONE;
     if (flags.headers_parsed) { // parsed headers, possibly with errors
         // check for header parsing errors
         if (HttpReply *vrep = virginReply()) {
             const Http::StatusCode s = vrep->sline.status();
             const AnyP::ProtocolVersion &v = vrep->sline.version;
             if (s == Http::scInvalidHeader && v != Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9)) {
                 debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: Bad header encountered from " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->GetHost() << request->urlpath.termedBuf() );
                 error = ERR_INVALID_RESP;
             } else if (s == Http::scHeaderTooLarge) {
                 error = ERR_TOO_BIG;
             } else {
                 return true; // done parsing, got reply, and no error
         } else {
             // parsed headers but got no reply
             debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: No reply at all for " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->GetHost() << request->urlpath.termedBuf() );
             error = ERR_INVALID_RESP;
     } else {
-        if (readBuf->hasContent()) {
+        if (inBuf.length()) {
             error = ERR_INVALID_RESP;
             debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: Headers did not parse at all for " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->GetHost() << request->urlpath.termedBuf() );
         } else {
             error = ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT;
             debugs(11, (request->flags.accelerated?DBG_IMPORTANT:2), "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: No object data received for " <<
                    entry->url() << " AKA " << request->GetHost() << request->urlpath.termedBuf() );
     assert(error != ERR_NONE);
     fwd->fail(new ErrorState(error, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request));
     flags.do_next_read = false;
     return false; // quit on error
 /** truncate what we read if we read too much so that writeReplyBody()
     writes no more than what we should have read */
     HttpReply *vrep = virginReply();
     int64_t clen = -1;
     if (!vrep->expectingBody(request->method, clen) || clen < 0)
         return; // no body or a body of unknown size, including chunked
-    const int64_t body_bytes_read = reply_bytes_read - header_bytes_read;
-    if (body_bytes_read - body_bytes_truncated <= clen)
+    if (payloadSeen - payloadTruncated <= clen)
         return; // we did not read too much or already took care of the extras
-    if (const int64_t extras = body_bytes_read - body_bytes_truncated - clen) {
+    if (const int64_t extras = payloadSeen - payloadTruncated - clen) {
         // server sent more that the advertised content length
-        debugs(11,5, HERE << "body_bytes_read=" << body_bytes_read <<
+        debugs(11, 5, "payloadSeen=" << payloadSeen <<
                " clen=" << clen << '/' << vrep->content_length <<
-               " body_bytes_truncated=" << body_bytes_truncated << '+' << extras);
+               " trucated=" << payloadTruncated << '+' << extras);
-        readBuf->truncate(extras);
-        body_bytes_truncated += extras;
+        inBuf.chop(0, inBuf.length() - extras);
+        payloadTruncated += extras;
  * Call this when there is data from the origin server
  * which should be sent to either StoreEntry, or to ICAP...
     truncateVirginBody(); // if needed
-    const char *data = readBuf->content();
-    int len = readBuf->contentSize();
+    const char *data = inBuf.rawContent();
+    int len = inBuf.length();
     addVirginReplyBody(data, len);
-    readBuf->consume(len);
+    inBuf.consume(len);
     const char *data = NULL;
     int len;
     bool wasThereAnException = false;
     MemBuf decodedData;
-    const bool doneParsing = httpChunkDecoder->parse(readBuf,&decodedData);
+    // XXX: performance regression. SBuf-convert (or Parser-convert?) the chunked decoder.
+    MemBuf encodedData;
+    encodedData.init();
+    // NP: we must do this instead of pointing encodedData at the SBuf::rawContent
+    // because chunked decoder uses MemBuf::consume, which shuffles buffer bytes around.
+    encodedData.append(inBuf.rawContent(), inBuf.length());
+    const bool doneParsing = httpChunkDecoder->parse(&encodedData,&decodedData);
+    // XXX: httpChunkDecoder has consumed from MemBuf.
+    inBuf.consume(inBuf.length() - encodedData.contentSize());
     len = decodedData.contentSize();
     addVirginReplyBody(data, len);
     if (doneParsing) {
         lastChunk = 1;
         flags.do_next_read = false;
     return wasThereAnException;
  * processReplyBody has two purposes:
  *  1 - take the reply body data, if any, and put it into either
  *      the StoreEntry, or give it over to ICAP.
  *  2 - see if we made it to the end of the response (persistent
  *      connections and such)
@@ -1460,64 +1516,80 @@
 HttpStateData::mayReadVirginReplyBody() const
     // TODO: Be more precise here. For example, if/when reading trailer, we may
     // not be doneWithServer() yet, but we should return false. Similarly, we
     // could still be writing the request body after receiving the whole reply.
     return !doneWithServer();
     // too late to read
     if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection) || fd_table[serverConnection->fd].closing())
-    // we may need to grow the buffer if headers do not fit
-    const int minRead = flags.headers_parsed ? 0 :1024;
-    const int read_size = replyBodySpace(*readBuf, minRead);
-    debugs(11,9, HERE << (flags.do_next_read ? "may" : "wont") <<
-           " read up to " << read_size << " bytes from " << serverConnection);
+    // how much we are allowed to buffer
+    const int limitBuffer = (flags.headers_parsed ? Config.readAheadGap : Config.maxReplyHeaderSize);
-    /*
-     * why <2? Because delayAwareRead() won't actually read if
-     * you ask it to read 1 byte.  The delayed read request
-     * just gets re-queued until the client side drains, then
-     * the I/O thread hangs.  Better to not register any read
-     * handler until we get a notification from someone that
-     * its okay to read again.
-     */
-    if (read_size < 2)
+    if (limitBuffer < 0 || inBuf.length() >= (SBuf::size_type)limitBuffer) {
+        // when buffer is at or over limit already
+        debugs(11, 7, "wont read up to " << limitBuffer << ". buffer has (" << inBuf.length() << "/" << inBuf.spaceSize() << ") from " << serverConnection);
+        debugs(11, DBG_DATA, "buffer has {" << inBuf << "}");
+        // Process next response from buffer
+        processReply();
+    }
-    if (flags.do_next_read) {
-        flags.do_next_read = false;
-        typedef CommCbMemFunT<HttpStateData, CommIoCbParams> Dialer;
-        entry->delayAwareRead(serverConnection, readBuf->space(read_size), read_size,
-                              JobCallback(11, 5, Dialer, this,  HttpStateData::readReply));
+    // how much we want to read
+    const size_t read_size = calcBufferSpaceToReserve(inBuf.spaceSize(), (limitBuffer - inBuf.length()));
+    if (!read_size) {
+        debugs(11, 7, "wont read up to " << read_size << " into buffer (" << inBuf.length() << "/" << inBuf.spaceSize() << ") from " << serverConnection);
+        return;
+    // we may need to grow the buffer
+    inBuf.reserveSpace(read_size);
+    debugs(11, 8, (!flags.do_next_read ? "wont" : "may") <<
+           " read up to " << read_size << " bytes info buf(" << inBuf.length() << "/" << inBuf.spaceSize() <<
+           ") from " << serverConnection);
+    // XXX: get rid of the do_next_read flag
+    // check for the proper reasons preventing read(2)
+    if (!flags.do_next_read)
+        return;
+    flags.do_next_read = false;
+    // must not already be waiting for read(2) ...
+    assert(!Comm::MonitorsRead(serverConnection->fd));
+    // wait for read(2) to be possible.
+    typedef CommCbMemFunT<HttpStateData, CommIoCbParams> Dialer;
+    AsyncCall::Pointer call = JobCallback(11, 5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::readReply);
+    Comm::Read(serverConnection, call);
 /// called after writing the very last request byte (body, last-chunk, etc)
 HttpStateData::wroteLast(const CommIoCbParams &io)
     debugs(11, 5, HERE << serverConnection << ": size " << io.size << ": errflag " << io.flag << ".");
     if (io.size > 0) {
         fd_bytes(io.fd, io.size, FD_WRITE);
         kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.all.kbytes_out), io.size);
         kb_incr(&(statCounter.server.http.kbytes_out), io.size);
     if (io.flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING)

=== modified file 'src/http.h'
--- src/http.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http.h	2015-01-14 11:13:00 +0000
@@ -30,44 +30,41 @@
                                        const AccessLogEntryPointer &al,
                                        HttpHeader * hdr_out,
                                        const HttpStateFlags &flags);
     virtual const Comm::ConnectionPointer & dataConnection() const;
     /* should be private */
     bool sendRequest();
     void processReplyHeader();
     void processReplyBody();
     void readReply(const CommIoCbParams &io);
     virtual void maybeReadVirginBody(); // read response data from the network
     // Determine whether the response is a cacheable representation
     int cacheableReply();
     CachePeer *_peer;       /* CachePeer request made to */
     int eof;            /* reached end-of-object? */
     int lastChunk;      /* reached last chunk of a chunk-encoded reply */
     HttpStateFlags flags;
     size_t read_sz;
-    int header_bytes_read;  // to find end of response,
-    int64_t reply_bytes_read;   // without relying on StoreEntry
-    int body_bytes_truncated; // positive when we read more than we wanted
-    MemBuf *readBuf;
+    SBuf inBuf;                ///< I/O buffer for receiving server responses
     bool ignoreCacheControl;
     bool surrogateNoStore;
     void processSurrogateControl(HttpReply *);
     void processReply();
     void proceedAfter1xx();
     void handle1xx(HttpReply *msg);
      * The current server connection.
      * Maybe open, closed, or NULL.
      * Use doneWithServer() to check if the server is available for use.
     Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection;
     AsyncCall::Pointer closeHandler;
     enum ConnectionStatus {
@@ -93,29 +90,36 @@
     // consuming request body
     virtual void handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable();
     virtual void handleRequestBodyProducerAborted();
     void writeReplyBody();
     bool decodeAndWriteReplyBody();
     bool finishingBrokenPost();
     bool finishingChunkedRequest();
     void doneSendingRequestBody();
     void requestBodyHandler(MemBuf &);
     virtual void sentRequestBody(const CommIoCbParams &io);
     void wroteLast(const CommIoCbParams &io);
     void sendComplete();
     void httpStateConnClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &params);
     void httpTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &params);
     mb_size_t buildRequestPrefix(MemBuf * mb);
     static bool decideIfWeDoRanges (HttpRequest * orig_request);
     bool peerSupportsConnectionPinning() const;
+    /// Parser being used at present to parse the HTTP/ICY server response.
+    Http1::ResponseParserPointer hp;
     ChunkedCodingParser *httpChunkDecoder;
+    /// amount of message payload/body received so far.
+    int64_t payloadSeen;
+    /// positive when we read more than we wanted
+    int64_t payloadTruncated;
 int httpCachable(const HttpRequestMethod&);
 void httpStart(FwdState *);
 const char *httpMakeVaryMark(HttpRequest * request, HttpReply const * reply);
 #endif /* SQUID_HTTP_H */

=== modified file 'src/http/one/Makefile.am'
--- src/http/one/Makefile.am	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/Makefile.am	2015-01-14 11:07:42 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
 ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
 ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
 ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 include $(top_srcdir)/src/Common.am
 include $(top_srcdir)/src/TestHeaders.am
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libhttp1.la
 libhttp1_la_SOURCES = \
 	forward.h \
 	Parser.cc \
 	Parser.h \
 	RequestParser.cc \
-	RequestParser.h
+	RequestParser.h \
+	ResponseParser.cc \
+	ResponseParser.h

=== modified file 'src/http/one/Parser.cc'
--- src/http/one/Parser.cc	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/Parser.cc	2015-01-23 19:19:32 +0000
@@ -1,45 +1,106 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "Debug.h"
 #include "http/one/Parser.h"
+#include "mime_header.h"
 #include "parser/Tokenizer.h"
+#include "SquidConfig.h"
 /// RFC 7230 section 2.6 - 7 magic octets
 const SBuf Http::One::Parser::Http1magic("HTTP/1.");
     parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_NONE;
     buf_ = NULL;
     msgProtocol_ = AnyP::ProtocolVersion();
+Http::One::Parser::skipLineTerminator(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok) const
+    static const SBuf crlf("\r\n");
+    if (tok.skip(crlf))
+        return true;
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser && tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF))
+        return true;
+    return false;
+Http::One::Parser::grabMimeBlock(const char *which, const size_t limit)
+    // MIME headers block exist in (only) HTTP/1.x and ICY
+    const bool expectMime = (msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && msgProtocol_.major == 1) ||
+                            msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_ICY;
+    if (expectMime) {
+        /* NOTE: HTTP/0.9 messages do not have a mime header block.
+         *       So the rest of the code will need to deal with '0'-byte headers
+         *       (ie, none, so don't try parsing em)
+         */
+        // XXX: c_str() reallocates. performance regression.
+        if (int64_t mimeHeaderBytes = headersEnd(buf_.c_str(), buf_.length())) {
+            // Squid could handle these headers, but admin does not want to
+            if (firstLineSize() + mimeHeaderBytes >= limit) {
+                debugs(33, 5, "Too large " << which);
+                parseStatusCode = Http::scHeaderTooLarge;
+                buf_.consume(mimeHeaderBytes);
+                parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
+                return false;
+            }
+            mimeHeaderBlock_ = buf_.consume(mimeHeaderBytes);
+            debugs(74, 5, "mime header (0-" << mimeHeaderBytes << ") {" << mimeHeaderBlock_ << "}");
+        } else { // headersEnd() == 0
+            if (buf_.length()+firstLineSize() >= limit) {
+                debugs(33, 5, "Too large " << which);
+                parseStatusCode = Http::scHeaderTooLarge;
+                parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
+            } else
+                debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete " << which << ", waiting for end of headers");
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else
+        debugs(33, 3, "Missing HTTP/1.x identifier");
+    // NP: we do not do any further stages here yet so go straight to DONE
+    parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
+    return true;
 // arbitrary maximum-length for headers which can be found by Http1Parser::getHeaderField()
 #define GET_HDR_SZ  1024
 // BUG: returns only the first header line with given name,
 //      ignores multi-line headers and obs-fold headers
 char *
 Http::One::Parser::getHeaderField(const char *name)
     if (!headerBlockSize() || !name)
         return NULL;
     LOCAL_ARRAY(char, header, GET_HDR_SZ);
     const int namelen = strlen(name);
     debugs(25, 5, "looking for " << name);
     // while we can find more LF in the SBuf
     static CharacterSet iso8859Line = CharacterSet("non-LF",'\0','\n'-1) + CharacterSet(NULL, '\n'+1, (unsigned char)0xFF);
     ::Parser::Tokenizer tok(mimeHeaderBlock_);
     SBuf p;

=== modified file 'src/http/one/Parser.h'
--- src/http/one/Parser.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/Parser.h	2015-01-23 18:18:58 +0000
@@ -1,110 +1,140 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "anyp/ProtocolVersion.h"
 #include "http/one/forward.h"
+#include "http/StatusCode.h"
 #include "SBuf.h"
+namespace Parser {
+class Tokenizer;
 namespace Http {
 namespace One {
 // Parser states
 enum ParseState {
     HTTP_PARSE_NONE,     ///< initialized, but nothing usefully parsed yet
     HTTP_PARSE_FIRST,    ///< HTTP/1 message first-line
     HTTP_PARSE_MIME,     ///< HTTP/1 mime-header block
     HTTP_PARSE_DONE      ///< parsed a message header, or reached a terminal syntax error
 /** HTTP/1.x protocol parser
  * Works on a raw character I/O buffer and tokenizes the content into
  * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 procotol message:
  * \item first-line (request-line / simple-request / status-line)
  * \item mime-header 0*( header-name ':' SP field-value CRLF)
 class Parser : public RefCountable
     typedef SBuf::size_type size_type;
-    Parser() : parsingStage_(HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {}
+    Parser() : parseStatusCode(Http::scNone), parsingStage_(HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {}
     virtual ~Parser() {}
     /// Set this parser back to a default state.
     /// Will DROP any reference to a buffer (does not free).
     virtual void clear() = 0;
     /// attempt to parse a message from the buffer
     /// \retval true if a full message was found and parsed
     /// \retval false if incomplete, invalid or no message was found
     virtual bool parse(const SBuf &aBuf) = 0;
     /** Whether the parser is waiting on more data to complete parsing a message.
      * Use to distinguish between incomplete data and error results
      * when parse() returns false.
     bool needsMoreData() const {return parsingStage_!=HTTP_PARSE_DONE;}
     /// size in bytes of the first line including CRLF terminator
     virtual size_type firstLineSize() const = 0;
     /// size in bytes of the message headers including CRLF terminator(s)
     /// but excluding first-line bytes
     size_type headerBlockSize() const {return mimeHeaderBlock_.length();}
     /// size in bytes of HTTP message block, includes first-line and mime headers
     /// excludes any body/entity/payload bytes
     /// excludes any garbage prefix before the first-line
     size_type messageHeaderSize() const {return firstLineSize() + headerBlockSize();}
     /// buffer containing HTTP mime headers, excluding message first-line.
     SBuf mimeHeader() const {return mimeHeaderBlock_;}
     /// the protocol label for this message
     const AnyP::ProtocolVersion & messageProtocol() const {return msgProtocol_;}
-     * Scan the mime header block (badly) for a header with teh given name.
+     * Scan the mime header block (badly) for a header with the given name.
      * BUG: omits lines when searching for headers with obs-fold or multiple entries.
      * BUG: limits output to just 1KB when Squid accepts up to 64KB line length.
      * \return A pointer to a field-value of the first matching field-name, or NULL.
     char *getHeaderField(const char *name);
     /// the remaining unprocessed section of buffer
     const SBuf &remaining() const {return buf_;}
+    /**
+     * HTTP status code resulting from the parse process.
+     * to be used on the invalid message handling.
+     *
+     * Http::scNone indicates incomplete parse,
+     * Http::scOkay indicates no error,
+     * other codes represent a parse error.
+     */
+    Http::StatusCode parseStatusCode;
+    /// detect and skip the CRLF or (if tolerant) LF line terminator
+    /// consume from the tokenizer and return true only if found
+    bool skipLineTerminator(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok) const;
+    /**
+     * Scan to find the mime headers block for current message.
+     *
+     * \retval true   If mime block (or a blocks non-existence) has been
+     *                identified accurately within limit characters.
+     *                mimeHeaderBlock_ has been updated and buf_ consumed.
+     *
+     * \retval false  An error occured, or no mime terminator found within limit.
+     */
+    bool grabMimeBlock(const char *which, const size_t limit);
     /// RFC 7230 section 2.6 - 7 magic octets
     static const SBuf Http1magic;
     /// bytes remaining to be parsed
     SBuf buf_;
     /// what stage the parser is currently up to
     ParseState parsingStage_;
     /// what protocol label has been found in the first line (if any)
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion msgProtocol_;
     /// buffer holding the mime headers (if any)
     SBuf mimeHeaderBlock_;
 } // namespace One
 } // namespace Http

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.cc'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2015-01-16 16:18:05 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2015-01-23 18:44:20 +0000
@@ -1,39 +1,37 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "Debug.h"
 #include "http/one/RequestParser.h"
 #include "http/ProtocolVersion.h"
-#include "mime_header.h"
 #include "profiler/Profiler.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 Http::One::RequestParser::RequestParser() :
-    Parser(),
-    request_parse_status(Http::scNone)
+    Parser()
     req.start = req.end = -1;
     req.m_start = req.m_end = -1;
     req.u_start = req.u_end = -1;
     req.v_start = req.v_end = -1;
  * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
  * Governed by RFC 7230 section 3.5
  *  "
  *    In the interest of robustness, a server that is expecting to receive
  *    and parse a request-line SHOULD ignore at least one empty line (CRLF)
  *    received prior to the request-line.
  *  "
  * Parsing state is stored between calls to avoid repeating buffer scans.
  * If garbage is found the parsing offset is incremented.
@@ -66,41 +64,41 @@
                    "Ignored due to relaxed_header_parser.");
         // Be tolerant of prefix spaces (other bytes are valid method values)
         while (!buf_.isEmpty() && buf_[0] == ' ') {
  * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
  * Governed by:
  *  RFC 1945 section 5.1
  *  RFC 7230 section 3.1 and 3.5
  * Parsing state is stored between calls. However the current implementation
  * begins parsing from scratch on every call.
  * The return value tells you whether the parsing state fields are valid or not.
- * \retval -1  an error occurred. request_parse_status indicates HTTP status result.
+ * \retval -1  an error occurred. parseStatusCode indicates HTTP status result.
  * \retval  1  successful parse. member fields contain the request-line items
  * \retval  0  more data is needed to complete the parse
     int second_word = -1; // track the suspected URI start
     int first_whitespace = -1, last_whitespace = -1; // track the first and last SP byte
     int line_end = -1; // tracks the last byte BEFORE terminal \r\n or \n sequence
     debugs(74, 5, "parsing possible request: buf.length=" << buf_.length());
     debugs(74, DBG_DATA, buf_);
     // Single-pass parse: (provided we have the whole line anyways)
     req.start = 0;
     req.end = -1;
     for (SBuf::size_type i = 0; i < buf_.length(); ++i) {
         // track first and last whitespace (SP only)
         if (buf_[i] == ' ') {
@@ -132,175 +130,175 @@
                     line_end = i - 1;
                 while (i < buf_.length() - 1 && buf_[i + 1] == '\r')
                 if (buf_[i + 1] == '\n') {
                     req.end = i + 1;
             } else {
                 if (buf_[i + 1] == '\n') {
                     req.end = i + 1;
                     line_end = i - 1;
             // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 does not prohibit embeded CR like RFC 2616 used to.
             // However it does explicitly state an exact syntax which omits un-encoded CR
             // and defines 400 (Bad Request) as the required action when
             // handed an invalid request-line.
-            request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+            parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
             return -1;
         // We are expecting printable ascii characters for method/first word
         if (first_whitespace < 0 && (!xisascii(buf_[i]) || !xisprint(buf_[i]))) {
-            request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+            parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
             return -1;
     if (req.end == -1) {
         // DoS protection against long first-line
         if ((size_t)buf_.length() >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
             debugs(33, 5, "Too large request-line");
             // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 mandatory 414 response if URL longer than acceptible.
-            request_parse_status = Http::scUriTooLong;
+            parseStatusCode = Http::scUriTooLong;
             return -1;
         debugs(74, 5, "Parser: retval 0: from " << req.start <<
                "->" << req.end << ": needs more data to complete first line.");
         return 0;
     // NP: we have now seen EOL, more-data (0) cannot occur.
     //     From here on any failure is -1, success is 1
     // Input Validation:
     // DoS protection against long first-line
     if ((size_t)(req.end-req.start) >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
         debugs(33, 5, "Too large request-line");
-        request_parse_status = Http::scUriTooLong;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scUriTooLong;
         return -1;
     // Process what we now know about the line structure into field offsets
     // generating HTTP status for any aborts as we go.
     // First non-whitespace = beginning of method
     if (req.start > line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return -1;
     req.m_start = req.start;
     // First whitespace = end of method
     if (first_whitespace > line_end || first_whitespace < req.start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // no method
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; // no method
         return -1;
     req.m_end = first_whitespace - 1;
     if (req.m_end < req.m_start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI?
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI?
         return -1;
     /* Set method_ */
     const SBuf tmp = buf_.substr(req.m_start, req.m_end - req.m_start + 1);
     method_ = HttpRequestMethod(tmp);
     // First non-whitespace after first SP = beginning of URL+Version
     if (second_word > line_end || second_word < req.start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
         return -1;
     req.u_start = second_word;
     // RFC 1945: SP and version following URI are optional, marking version 0.9
     // we identify this by the last whitespace being earlier than URI start
     if (last_whitespace < second_word && last_whitespace >= req.start) {
         msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9);
         req.u_end = line_end;
         uri_ = buf_.substr(req.u_start, req.u_end - req.u_start + 1);
-        request_parse_status = Http::scOkay; // HTTP/0.9
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scOkay; // HTTP/0.9
         return 1;
     } else {
         // otherwise last whitespace is somewhere after end of URI.
         req.u_end = last_whitespace;
         // crop any trailing whitespace in the area we think of as URI
         for (; req.u_end >= req.u_start && xisspace(buf_[req.u_end]); --req.u_end);
     if (req.u_end < req.u_start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
         return -1;
     uri_ = buf_.substr(req.u_start, req.u_end - req.u_start + 1);
     // Last whitespace SP = before start of protocol/version
     if (last_whitespace >= line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing version
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; // missing version
         return -1;
     req.v_start = last_whitespace + 1;
     req.v_end = line_end;
     /* RFC 7230 section 2.6 : handle unsupported HTTP major versions cleanly. */
     if ((req.v_end - req.v_start +1) < (int)Http1magic.length() || !buf_.substr(req.v_start, SBuf::npos).startsWith(Http1magic)) {
         // non-HTTP/1 protocols not supported / implemented.
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
         return -1;
     // NP: magic octets include the protocol name and major version DIGIT.
     msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_HTTP;
     msgProtocol_.major = 1;
     int i = req.v_start + Http1magic.length() -1;
     // catch missing minor part
     if (++i > line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
         return -1;
     /* next should be one or more digits */
     if (!isdigit(buf_[i])) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
         return -1;
     int min = 0;
     for (; i <= line_end && (isdigit(buf_[i])) && min < 65536; ++i) {
         min = min * 10;
         min = min + (buf_[i]) - '0';
     // catch too-big values or trailing garbage
     if (min >= 65536 || i < line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
+        parseStatusCode = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
         return -1;
     msgProtocol_.minor = min;
      * Rightio - we have all the schtuff. Return true; we've got enough.
-    request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
+    parseStatusCode = Http::scOkay;
     return 1;
 Http::One::RequestParser::parse(const SBuf &aBuf)
     buf_ = aBuf;
     debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "Parse buf={length=" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
     // stage 1: locate the request-line
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {
         // if we hit something before EOS treat it as a message
         if (!buf_.isEmpty())
             parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
             return false;
@@ -316,56 +314,30 @@
         debugs(74, 5, "request-line: retval " << retcode << ": from " << req.start << "->" << req.end <<
                " line={" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
         debugs(74, 5, "request-line: method " << req.m_start << "->" << req.m_end << " (" << method_ << ")");
         debugs(74, 5, "request-line: url " << req.u_start << "->" << req.u_end << " (" << uri_ << ")");
         debugs(74, 5, "request-line: proto " << req.v_start << "->" << req.v_end << " (" << msgProtocol_ << ")");
         debugs(74, 5, "Parser: bytes processed=" << (aBuf.length()-buf_.length()));
         // syntax errors already
         if (retcode < 0) {
             parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
             return false;
     // stage 3: locate the mime header block
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_MIME) {
         // HTTP/1.x request-line is valid and parsing completed.
-        if (msgProtocol_.major == 1) {
-            /* NOTE: HTTP/0.9 requests do not have a mime header block.
-             *       So the rest of the code will need to deal with '0'-byte headers
-             *       (ie, none, so don't try parsing em)
-             */
-            int64_t mimeHeaderBytes = 0;
-            // XXX: c_str() reallocates. performance regression.
-            if ((mimeHeaderBytes = headersEnd(buf_.c_str(), buf_.length())) == 0) {
-                if (buf_.length()+firstLineSize() >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
-                    debugs(33, 5, "Too large request");
-                    request_parse_status = Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge;
-                    parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
-                } else
-                    debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete request, waiting for end of headers");
-                return false;
-            }
-            mimeHeaderBlock_ = buf_.consume(mimeHeaderBytes);
-            debugs(74, 5, "mime header (0-" << mimeHeaderBytes << ") {" << mimeHeaderBlock_ << "}");
-        } else
-            debugs(33, 3, "Missing HTTP/1.x identifier");
-        // NP: we do not do any further stages here yet so go straight to DONE
-        parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
-        // Squid could handle these headers, but admin does not want to
-        if (messageHeaderSize() >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
-            debugs(33, 5, "Too large request");
-            request_parse_status = Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge;
+        if (!grabMimeBlock("Request", Config.maxRequestHeaderSize)) {
+            if (parseStatusCode == Http::scHeaderTooLarge)
+                parseStatusCode = Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge;
             return false;
     return !needsMoreData();

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.h'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2015-01-23 03:55:03 +0000
@@ -1,69 +1,62 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "http/one/Parser.h"
 #include "http/RequestMethod.h"
-#include "http/StatusCode.h"
 namespace Http {
 namespace One {
 /** HTTP/1.x protocol request parser
  * Works on a raw character I/O buffer and tokenizes the content into
  * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 request message:
  * \item request-line (method, URL, protocol, version)
  * \item mime-header (set of RFC2616 syntax header fields)
 class RequestParser : public Http1::Parser
     virtual ~RequestParser() {}
     /* Http::One::Parser API */
     virtual void clear() {*this = RequestParser();}
     virtual Http1::Parser::size_type firstLineSize() const {return req.end - req.start + 1;}
     virtual bool parse(const SBuf &aBuf);
     /// the HTTP method if this is a request message
     const HttpRequestMethod & method() const {return method_;}
     /// the request-line URI if this is a request message, or an empty string.
     const SBuf &requestUri() const {return uri_;}
-    /** HTTP status code to be used on the invalid-request error page.
-     * Http::scNone indicates incomplete parse,
-     * Http::scOkay indicates no error.
-     */
-    Http::StatusCode request_parse_status;
     void skipGarbageLines();
     int parseRequestFirstLine();
     /// Offsets for pieces of the (HTTP request) Request-Line as per RFC 7230 section 3.1.1.
     /// only valid before and during parse stage HTTP_PARSE_FIRST
     struct request_offsets {
         int start, end;
         int m_start, m_end; // method
         int u_start, u_end; // url
         int v_start, v_end; // version (full text)
     } req;
     /// what request method has been found on the first line
     HttpRequestMethod method_;
     /// raw copy of the original client reqeust-line URI field
     SBuf uri_;

=== added file 'src/http/one/ResponseParser.cc'
--- src/http/one/ResponseParser.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/http/one/ResponseParser.cc	2015-01-23 18:44:26 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#include "squid.h"
+#include "Debug.h"
+#include "http/one/ResponseParser.h"
+#include "http/ProtocolVersion.h"
+#include "parser/Tokenizer.h"
+#include "profiler/Profiler.h"
+#include "SquidConfig.h"
+const SBuf Http::One::ResponseParser::IcyMagic("ICY ");
+Http::One::ResponseParser::firstLineSize() const
+    Http1::Parser::size_type result = 0;
+    switch (msgProtocol_.protocol)
+    {
+    case AnyP::PROTO_HTTP:
+        result += Http1magic.length();
+        break;
+    case AnyP::PROTO_ICY:
+        result += IcyMagic.length();
+        break;
+    default: // no other protocols supported
+        return result;
+    }
+    // NP: the parser does not accept >2 DIGIT for version numbers
+    if (msgProtocol_.minor > 9)
+        result += 2;
+    else
+        result += 1;
+    result += 5; /* 5 octets in: SP status SP */
+    result += reasonPhrase_.length();
+    result += 2; /* CRLF terminator */
+    return result;
+// NP: we found the protocol version and consumed it already.
+// just need the status code and reason phrase
+const int
+Http::One::ResponseParser::parseResponseStatusAndReason(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok, const CharacterSet &WspDelim)
+    if (!completedStatus_) {
+        debugs(74, 9, "seek status-code in: " << tok.remaining().substr(0,10) << "...");
+        /* RFC 7230 section 3.1.2 - status code is 3 DIGIT octets.
+         * There is no limit on what those octets may be.
+         * 000 through 999 are all valid.
+         */
+        int64_t statusValue;
+        if (tok.int64(statusValue, 10, false, 3) && tok.skipOne(WspDelim)) {
+            debugs(74, 6, "found int64 status-code=" << statusValue);
+            statusCode_ = static_cast<Http::StatusCode>(statusValue);
+            buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
+            completedStatus_ = true;
+        } else if (tok.atEnd()) {
+            debugs(74, 6, "Parser needs more data");
+            return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
+        } else {
+            debugs(74, 6, "invalid status-line. invalid code.");
+            return -1; // invalid status, a single SP terminator required
+        }
+        // NOTE: any whitespace after the single SP is part of the reason phrase.
+    }
+    if (tok.atEnd())
+        return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
+    /* RFC 7230 says we SHOULD ignore the reason phrase content
+     * but it has a definite valid vs invalid character set.
+     * We interpret the SHOULD as ignoring absence and syntax, but
+     * producing an error if it contains an invalid octet.
+     */
+    debugs(74, 9, "seek reason-phrase in: " << tok.remaining().substr(0,50) << "...");
+    // if we got here we are still looking for reason-phrase bytes
+    static const CharacterSet phraseChars = CharacterSet::WSP + CharacterSet::VCHAR + CharacterSet::OBSTEXT;
+    (void)tok.prefix(reasonPhrase_, phraseChars); // optional, no error if missing
+    if (skipLineTerminator(tok)) {
+        debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
+        return 1;
+    }
+    reasonPhrase_.clear();
+    if (tok.atEnd())
+        return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
+    debugs(74, 6, "invalid status-line. garbage in reason phrase.");
+    return -1;
+ * Attempt to parse the method field out of an HTTP message status-line.
+ *
+ * Governed by:
+ *  RFC 1945 section 6.1
+ *  RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
+ *
+ * Parsing state is stored between calls. The current implementation uses
+ * checkpoints after each successful status-line field.
+ * The return value tells you whether the parsing is completed or not.
+ *
+ * \retval -1  an error occurred.
+ * \retval  1  successful parse. statusCode_ and maybe reasonPhrase_ are filled and buffer consumed including first delimiter.
+ * \retval  0  more data is needed to complete the parse
+ */
+const int
+    ::Parser::Tokenizer tok(buf_);
+    CharacterSet WspDelim = CharacterSet::SP; // strict parse only accepts SP
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.5
+        // tolerant parser MAY accept any of SP, HTAB, VT (%x0B), FF (%x0C), or bare CR
+        // as whitespace between status-line fields
+        WspDelim += CharacterSet::HTAB
+                  + CharacterSet("VT,FF","\x0B\x0C")
+                  + CharacterSet::CR;
+    }
+    if (msgProtocol_.protocol != AnyP::PROTO_NONE) {
+        debugs(74, 6, "continue incremental parse for " << msgProtocol_);
+        debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
+        // we already found the magic, but not the full line. keep going.
+        return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
+    } else if (tok.skip(Http1magic)) {
+        debugs(74, 6, "found prefix magic " << Http1magic);
+        // HTTP Response status-line parse
+        // magic contains major version, still need to find minor DIGIT
+        int64_t verMinor;
+        if (tok.int64(verMinor, 10, false, 1) && tok.skipOne(WspDelim)) {
+            msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_HTTP;
+            msgProtocol_.major = 1;
+            msgProtocol_.minor = static_cast<unsigned int>(verMinor);
+            debugs(74, 6, "found version=" << msgProtocol_);
+            debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
+            buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
+            return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
+        } else if (tok.atEnd())
+            return 0; // need more to be sure we have it all
+        else
+            return -1; // invalid version or delimiter, a single SP terminator required
+    } else if (tok.skip(IcyMagic)) {
+        debugs(74, 6, "found prefix magic " << IcyMagic);
+        // ICY Response status-line parse (same as HTTP/1 after the magic version)
+        msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_ICY;
+        // NP: ICY has no /major.minor details
+        debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "parse remaining buf={length=" << tok.remaining().length() << ", data='" << tok.remaining() << "'}");
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // resume checkpoint
+        return parseResponseStatusAndReason(tok, WspDelim);
+    } else if (buf_.length() > Http1magic.length() && buf_.length() > IcyMagic.length()) {
+        debugs(74, 2, "unknown/missing prefix magic. Interpreting as HTTP/0.9");
+        // found something that looks like an HTTP/0.9 response
+        // Gateway/Transform it into HTTP/1.1
+        msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(1,1);
+        // XXX: probably should use version 0.9 here and upgrade on output,
+        // but the old code did 1.1 transformation now.
+        statusCode_ = Http::scOkay;
+        static const SBuf gatewayPhrase("Gatewaying");
+        reasonPhrase_ = gatewayPhrase;
+        static const SBuf fakeHttpMimeBlock("X-Transformed-From: HTTP/0.9\r\n"
+                                            /* Server: visible_appname_string */
+                                            "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+                                            /* Date: squid_curtime */
+                                            "Expires: -1\r\n\r\n");
+        mimeHeaderBlock_ = fakeHttpMimeBlock;
+        parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
+        return 1; // no more parsing
+    }
+    return 0; // need more to parse anything.
+Http::One::ResponseParser::parse(const SBuf &aBuf)
+    buf_ = aBuf;
+    debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "Parse buf={length=" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
+    // stage 1: locate the status-line
+    if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {
+        // RFC 7230 explicitly states whether garbage whitespace is to be handled
+        // at each point of the message framing boundaries.
+        // It omits mentioning garbage prior to HTTP Responses.
+        // Therefore, if we receive anything at all treat it as Response message.
+        if (!buf_.isEmpty())
+            parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    // stage 2: parse the status-line
+    if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_FIRST) {
+        PROF_start(HttpParserParseReplyLine);
+        const int retcode = parseResponseFirstLine();
+        // first-line (or a look-alike) found successfully.
+        if (retcode > 0)
+            parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_MIME;
+        debugs(74, 5, "status-line: retval " << retcode);
+        debugs(74, 5, "status-line: proto " << msgProtocol_);
+        debugs(74, 5, "status-line: status-code " << statusCode_);
+        debugs(74, 5, "status-line: reason-phrase " << reasonPhrase_);
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser: bytes processed=" << (aBuf.length()-buf_.length()));
+        PROF_stop(HttpParserParseReplyLine);
+        // syntax errors already
+        if (retcode < 0) {
+            parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
+            statusCode_ = Http::scInvalidHeader;
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // stage 3: locate the mime header block
+    if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_MIME) {
+        if (!grabMimeBlock("Response", Config.maxReplyHeaderSize))
+            return false;
+    }
+    return !needsMoreData();

=== added file 'src/http/one/ResponseParser.h'
--- src/http/one/ResponseParser.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/http/one/ResponseParser.h	2015-01-23 06:01:09 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "http/one/Parser.h"
+#include "http/StatusCode.h"
+namespace Http {
+namespace One {
+/** HTTP/1.x  protocol response parser
+ *
+ * Also capable of parsing unexpected ICY responses and
+ * upgrading HTTP/0.9 syntax responses to HTTP/1.1
+ *
+ * Works on a raw character I/O buffer and tokenizes the content into
+ * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 respone message:
+ *
+ * \item status-line (version SP status SP reash-phrase)
+ * \item mime-header (set of RFC2616 syntax header fields)
+ */
+class ResponseParser : public Http1::Parser
+    ResponseParser() : Parser(), completedStatus_(false) {}
+    virtual ~ResponseParser() {}
+    /* Http::One::Parser API */
+    virtual void clear() {*this=ResponseParser();}
+    virtual Http1::Parser::size_type firstLineSize() const;
+    virtual bool parse(const SBuf &aBuf);
+    /* respone specific fields, read-only */
+    Http::StatusCode messageStatus() const { return statusCode_;}
+    SBuf reasonPhrase() const { return reasonPhrase_;}
+    const int parseResponseFirstLine();
+    const int parseResponseStatusAndReason(::Parser::Tokenizer&, const CharacterSet &);
+    /// magic prefix for identifying ICY response messages
+    static const SBuf IcyMagic;
+    /// Whether we found the status code yet.
+    /// We cannot rely on status value because server may send "000".
+    bool completedStatus_;
+    /// HTTP/1 status-line status code
+    Http::StatusCode statusCode_;
+    /// HTTP/1 status-line reason phrase
+    SBuf reasonPhrase_;
+} // namespace One
+} // namespace Http

=== modified file 'src/http/one/forward.h'
--- src/http/one/forward.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/forward.h	2015-01-14 11:07:42 +0000
@@ -3,27 +3,30 @@
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "base/RefCount.h"
 namespace Http {
 namespace One {
 class Parser;
 typedef RefCount<Http::One::Parser> ParserPointer;
 class RequestParser;
 typedef RefCount<Http::One::RequestParser> RequestParserPointer;
+class ResponseParser;
+typedef RefCount<Http::One::ResponseParser> ResponseParserPointer;
 } // namespace One
 } // namespace Http
 namespace Http1 = Http::One;

=== modified file 'src/parser/Tokenizer.cc'
--- src/parser/Tokenizer.cc	2015-01-23 10:30:32 +0000
+++ src/parser/Tokenizer.cc	2015-01-23 11:30:48 +0000
@@ -100,57 +100,61 @@
 Parser::Tokenizer::skip(const SBuf &tokenToSkip)
     if (buf_.startsWith(tokenToSkip))
         return success(tokenToSkip.length());
     return false;
 Parser::Tokenizer::skip(const char tokenChar)
     if (!buf_.isEmpty() && buf_[0] == tokenChar)
         return success(1);
     return false;
 /* reworked from compat/strtoll.c */
-Parser::Tokenizer::int64(int64_t & result, int base)
+Parser::Tokenizer::int64(int64_t & result, int base, bool allowSign, const SBuf::size_type limit)
-    if (buf_.isEmpty())
+    if (atEnd() || limit == 0)
         return false;
+    const SBuf range(buf_.substr(0,limit));
     //fixme: account for buf_.size()
     bool neg = false;
-    const char *s = buf_.rawContent();
-    const char *end = buf_.rawContent() + buf_.length();
+    const char *s = range.rawContent();
+    const char *end = range.rawContent() + range.length();
-    if (*s == '-') {
-        neg = true;
-        ++s;
-    } else if (*s == '+') {
-        ++s;
+    if (allowSign) {
+        if (*s == '-') {
+            neg = true;
+            ++s;
+        } else if (*s == '+') {
+            ++s;
+        }
+        if (s >= end) return false;
-    if (s >= end) return false;
     if (( base == 0 || base == 16) && *s == '0' && (s+1 <= end ) &&
             tolower(*(s+1)) == 'x') {
         s += 2;
         base = 16;
     if (base == 0) {
         if ( *s == '0') {
             base = 8;
         } else {
             base = 10;
     if (s >= end) return false;
     uint64_t cutoff;
     cutoff = neg ? -static_cast<uint64_t>(INT64_MIN) : INT64_MAX;
     const int cutlim = cutoff % static_cast<int64_t>(base);
     cutoff /= static_cast<uint64_t>(base);
@@ -169,23 +173,23 @@
         if (any < 0 || static_cast<uint64_t>(acc) > cutoff || (static_cast<uint64_t>(acc) == cutoff && c > cutlim))
             any = -1;
         else {
             any = 1;
             acc *= base;
             acc += c;
     if (any == 0) // nothing was parsed
         return false;
     if (any < 0) {
         acc = neg ? INT64_MIN : INT64_MAX;
         errno = ERANGE;
         return false;
     } else if (neg)
         acc = -acc;
     result = acc;
-    return success(s - buf_.rawContent() - 1);
+    return success(s - range.rawContent() - 1);

=== modified file 'src/parser/Tokenizer.h'
--- src/parser/Tokenizer.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/parser/Tokenizer.h	2015-01-23 05:16:46 +0000
@@ -86,38 +86,40 @@
      * \return whether a character was skipped
     bool skipOne(const CharacterSet &discardables);
     /** Skips all sequential characters from the set, in any order.
      * \returns the number of skipped characters
     SBuf::size_type skipAll(const CharacterSet &discardables);
     /** Extracts an unsigned int64_t at the beginning of the buffer.
      * strtoll(3)-alike function: tries to parse unsigned 64-bit integer
      * at the beginning of the parse buffer, in the base specified by the user
      * or guesstimated; consumes the parsed characters.
      * \param result Output value. Not touched if parsing is unsuccessful.
      * \param base   Specify base to do the parsing in, with the same restrictions
      *               as strtoll. Defaults to 0 (meaning guess)
+     * \param allowSign Whether to accept a '+' or '-' sign prefix.
+     * \param limit  Maximum count of characters to convert.
      * \return whether the parsing was successful
-    bool int64(int64_t &result, int base = 0);
+    bool int64(int64_t &result, int base = 0, bool allowSign = true, SBuf::size_type limit = SBuf::npos);
     SBuf consume(const SBuf::size_type n);
     SBuf::size_type success(const SBuf::size_type n);
     SBuf buf_; ///< yet unparsed input
     SBuf::size_type parsed_; ///< bytes successfully parsed, including skipped
 } /* namespace Parser */

=== modified file 'src/servers/Http1Server.cc'
--- src/servers/Http1Server.cc	2015-01-19 00:12:07 +0000
+++ src/servers/Http1Server.cc	2015-01-20 12:32:04 +0000
@@ -82,63 +82,63 @@
     /* Process request */
     ClientSocketContext *context = parseHttpRequest(this, parser_);
     return context;
 void clientProcessRequestFinished(ConnStateData *conn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request);
 bool clientTunnelOnError(ConnStateData *conn, ClientSocketContext *context, HttpRequest *request, const HttpRequestMethod& method, err_type requestError, Http::StatusCode errStatusCode, const char *requestErrorBytes);
 Http::One::Server::buildHttpRequest(ClientSocketContext *context)
     HttpRequest::Pointer request;
     ClientHttpRequest *http = context->http;
     if (context->flags.parsed_ok == 0) {
         debugs(33, 2, "Invalid Request");
         // determine which error page templates to use for specific parsing errors
         err_type errPage = ERR_INVALID_REQ;
-        switch (parser_->request_parse_status) {
+        switch (parser_->parseStatusCode) {
         case Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge:
         // fall through to next case
         case Http::scUriTooLong:
             errPage = ERR_TOO_BIG;
         case Http::scMethodNotAllowed:
             errPage = ERR_UNSUP_REQ;
         case Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported:
             errPage = ERR_UNSUP_HTTPVERSION;
             if (parser_->method() == METHOD_NONE || parser_->requestUri().length() == 0)
                 // no method or url parsed, probably is wrong protocol
                 errPage = ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN;
             // else use default ERR_INVALID_REQ set above.
         // setLogUri should called before repContext->setReplyToError
         setLogUri(http, http->uri, true);
         const char * requestErrorBytes = in.buf.c_str();
-        if (!clientTunnelOnError(this, context, request.getRaw(), parser_->method(), errPage, parser_->request_parse_status, requestErrorBytes)) {
+        if (!clientTunnelOnError(this, context, request.getRaw(), parser_->method(), errPage, parser_->parseStatusCode, requestErrorBytes)) {
             // HttpRequest object not build yet, there is no reason to call
             // clientProcessRequestFinished method
         return false;
     if ((request = HttpRequest::CreateFromUrlAndMethod(http->uri, parser_->method())) == NULL) {
         debugs(33, 5, "Invalid URL: " << http->uri);
         // setLogUri should called before repContext->setReplyToError
         setLogUri(http, http->uri, true);
         const char * requestErrorBytes = in.buf.c_str();
         if (!clientTunnelOnError(this, context, request.getRaw(), parser_->method(), ERR_INVALID_URL, Http::scBadRequest, requestErrorBytes)) {
             // HttpRequest object not build yet, there is no reason to call
             // clientProcessRequestFinished method
         return false;

=== modified file 'src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc'
--- src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc	2015-01-16 16:18:05 +0000
+++ src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc	2015-01-23 03:55:03 +0000
@@ -54,86 +54,86 @@
     HttpRequestMethod method;
     int uriStart;
     int uriEnd;
     const char *uri;
     int versionStart;
     int versionEnd;
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion version;
 static void
 testResults(int line, const SBuf &input, Http1::RequestParser &output, struct resultSet &expect)
     printf("TEST @%d, in=%u: " SQUIDSBUFPH "\n", line, input.length(), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(input));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.parsed, output.parse(input));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.needsMore, output.needsMoreData());
     if (output.needsMoreData())
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.parserState, output.parsingStage_);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.status, output.request_parse_status);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.status, output.parseStatusCode);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.msgStart, output.req.start);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.msgEnd, output.req.end);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.suffixSz, output.buf_.length());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.methodStart, output.req.m_start);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.methodEnd, output.req.m_end);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.method, output.method_);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.uriStart, output.req.u_start);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.uriEnd, output.req.u_end);
     if (expect.uri != NULL)
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, output.uri_.cmp(expect.uri));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.versionStart, output.req.v_start);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.versionEnd, output.req.v_end);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.version, output.msgProtocol_);
 #endif /* __cplusplus >= 200103L */
     // whether the constructor works
         Http1::RequestParser output;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, output.needsMoreData());
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE, output.parsingStage_);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output.request_parse_status); // XXX: clear() not being called.
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output.parseStatusCode); // XXX: clear() not being called.
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.m_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.m_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_NONE), output.method_);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.u_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.u_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.v_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.v_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AnyP::ProtocolVersion(), output.msgProtocol_);
     // whether new() works
         Http1::RequestParser *output = new Http1::RequestParser;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, output->needsMoreData());
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE, output->parsingStage_);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output->request_parse_status);
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output->parseStatusCode);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.m_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.m_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_NONE), output->method_);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.u_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.u_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.v_start);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.v_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AnyP::ProtocolVersion(), output->msgProtocol_);
         delete output;
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L

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