[squid-dev] [PATCH] HTTP request-line parser upgrade

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Feb 6 15:08:58 UTC 2015

This patch converts the request-line parse method from a char* string
parser to using ::Parser::Tokenizer based processing.

* the characters for each token are now limited to the RFC 7230
compliant values. The URI is taken as a whole token and characters which
are valid in only one sub-token segment are accepted regardless of their
position. In relaxed parse that is extended beyond the valid URI
characters to include the whitespace characters.

* whitespace tolerance is extended to include "binary" whitespace VTAB,
HTAB, CR and FF characters specified in RFC 7230.

* The Squid specific tolerance for whitespace prefix to method is
removed. RFC 2730 clarifies that tolerance before request-line is
specfifically and only for whole empty lines (sequences of CRLF or LF).

* The unit tests are extended to check strict and relaxed parse within
the new characterset limits. Drip-feed incremental test updated to check
both parser modes explicitly.

* ::Parser:Tokenizer is extended with methods to skip or retrieve a
token at the suffix of the stored buffer. This is used by the whitespace
tolerant parse to process the URL and HTTP-version tokens from the line
"backwards" from the LF position.

CoAdvisor and Polygraph show no diffrence from trunk. Which is expected
since coadvisor does not test RFC 7230 edge cases (yet), and polygraph
is not stressing incremental parse capabilities.

-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'src/http/one/Parser.cc'
--- src/http/one/Parser.cc	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/Parser.cc	2015-02-06 12:29:42 +0000
@@ -1,45 +1,59 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "Debug.h"
 #include "http/one/Parser.h"
 #include "parser/Tokenizer.h"
+#include "SquidConfig.h"
 /// RFC 7230 section 2.6 - 7 magic octets
 const SBuf Http::One::Parser::Http1magic("HTTP/1.");
     parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_NONE;
     buf_ = NULL;
     msgProtocol_ = AnyP::ProtocolVersion();
+Http::One::Parser::skipLineTerminator(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok) const
+    static const SBuf crlf("\r\n");
+    if (tok.skip(crlf))
+        return true;
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser && tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF))
+        return true;
+    return false;
 // arbitrary maximum-length for headers which can be found by Http1Parser::getHeaderField()
 #define GET_HDR_SZ  1024
 // BUG: returns only the first header line with given name,
 //      ignores multi-line headers and obs-fold headers
 char *
 Http::One::Parser::getHeaderField(const char *name)
     if (!headerBlockSize() || !name)
         return NULL;
     LOCAL_ARRAY(char, header, GET_HDR_SZ);
     const int namelen = strlen(name);
     debugs(25, 5, "looking for " << name);
     // while we can find more LF in the SBuf
     static CharacterSet iso8859Line = CharacterSet("non-LF",'\0','\n'-1) + CharacterSet(NULL, '\n'+1, (unsigned char)0xFF);
     ::Parser::Tokenizer tok(mimeHeaderBlock_);
     SBuf p;

=== modified file 'src/http/one/Parser.h'
--- src/http/one/Parser.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/Parser.h	2015-02-06 12:29:43 +0000
@@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "anyp/ProtocolVersion.h"
 #include "http/one/forward.h"
 #include "SBuf.h"
+namespace Parser {
+class Tokenizer;
 namespace Http {
 namespace One {
 // Parser states
 enum ParseState {
     HTTP_PARSE_NONE,     ///< initialized, but nothing usefully parsed yet
     HTTP_PARSE_FIRST,    ///< HTTP/1 message first-line
     HTTP_PARSE_MIME,     ///< HTTP/1 mime-header block
     HTTP_PARSE_DONE      ///< parsed a message header, or reached a terminal syntax error
 /** HTTP/1.x protocol parser
  * Works on a raw character I/O buffer and tokenizes the content into
  * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 procotol message:
  * \item first-line (request-line / simple-request / status-line)
  * \item mime-header 0*( header-name ':' SP field-value CRLF)
 class Parser : public RefCountable
@@ -71,40 +75,44 @@
     SBuf mimeHeader() const {return mimeHeaderBlock_;}
     /// the protocol label for this message
     const AnyP::ProtocolVersion & messageProtocol() const {return msgProtocol_;}
      * Scan the mime header block (badly) for a header with teh given name.
      * BUG: omits lines when searching for headers with obs-fold or multiple entries.
      * BUG: limits output to just 1KB when Squid accepts up to 64KB line length.
      * \return A pointer to a field-value of the first matching field-name, or NULL.
     char *getHeaderField(const char *name);
     /// the remaining unprocessed section of buffer
     const SBuf &remaining() const {return buf_;}
+    /// detect and skip the CRLF or (if tolerant) LF line terminator
+    /// consume from the tokenizer and return true only if found
+    bool skipLineTerminator(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok) const;
     /// RFC 7230 section 2.6 - 7 magic octets
     static const SBuf Http1magic;
     /// bytes remaining to be parsed
     SBuf buf_;
     /// what stage the parser is currently up to
     ParseState parsingStage_;
     /// what protocol label has been found in the first line (if any)
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion msgProtocol_;
     /// buffer holding the mime headers (if any)
     SBuf mimeHeaderBlock_;
 } // namespace One
 } // namespace Http

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.cc'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2015-01-16 16:18:05 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2015-02-06 12:29:44 +0000
@@ -1,342 +1,414 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "Debug.h"
 #include "http/one/RequestParser.h"
 #include "http/ProtocolVersion.h"
 #include "mime_header.h"
+#include "parser/Tokenizer.h"
 #include "profiler/Profiler.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 Http::One::RequestParser::RequestParser() :
-    request_parse_status(Http::scNone)
+    request_parse_status(Http::scNone),
+    firstLineGarbage_(0)
+Http::One::RequestParser::firstLineSize() const
-    req.start = req.end = -1;
-    req.m_start = req.m_end = -1;
-    req.u_start = req.u_end = -1;
-    req.v_start = req.v_end = -1;
+    // RFC 7230 section 2.6
+    /* method SP request-target SP "HTTP/" DIGIT "." DIGIT CRLF */
+    return method_.image().length() + uri_.length() + 12;
  * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
  * Governed by RFC 7230 section 3.5
  *  "
  *    In the interest of robustness, a server that is expecting to receive
  *    and parse a request-line SHOULD ignore at least one empty line (CRLF)
  *    received prior to the request-line.
  *  "
  * Parsing state is stored between calls to avoid repeating buffer scans.
  * If garbage is found the parsing offset is incremented.
     if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
         if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser < 0 && (buf_[0] == '\r' || buf_[0] == '\n'))
             debugs(74, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Invalid HTTP Request: " <<
                    "CRLF bytes received ahead of request-line. " <<
                    "Ignored due to relaxed_header_parser.");
         // Be tolerant of prefix empty lines
         // ie any series of either \n or \r\n with no other characters and no repeated \r
         while (!buf_.isEmpty() && (buf_[0] == '\n' || (buf_[0] == '\r' && buf_[1] == '\n'))) {
-    /* XXX: this is a Squid-specific tolerance
-     * it appears never to have been relevant outside out unit-tests
-     * because the ConnStateData parser loop starts with consumeWhitespace()
-     * which absorbs any SP HTAB VTAB CR LF characters.
-     * But unit-tests called the HttpParser method directly without that pruning.
-     */
-    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
-        if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser < 0 && buf_[0] == ' ')
-            debugs(74, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Invalid HTTP Request: " <<
-                   "Whitespace bytes received ahead of method. " <<
-                   "Ignored due to relaxed_header_parser.");
-        // Be tolerant of prefix spaces (other bytes are valid method values)
-        while (!buf_.isEmpty() && buf_[0] == ' ') {
-            buf_.consume(1);
-        }
-    }
- * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
+ * Attempt to parse the method field out of an HTTP message request-line.
  * Governed by:
  *  RFC 1945 section 5.1
- *  RFC 7230 section 3.1 and 3.5
+ *  RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
- * Parsing state is stored between calls. However the current implementation
- * begins parsing from scratch on every call.
- * The return value tells you whether the parsing state fields are valid or not.
+ * Parsing state is stored between calls. The current implementation uses
+ * checkpoints after each successful request-line field.
+ * The return value tells you whether the parsing is completed or not.
  * \retval -1  an error occurred. request_parse_status indicates HTTP status result.
- * \retval  1  successful parse. member fields contain the request-line items
+ * \retval  1  successful parse. method_ is filled and buffer consumed including first delimiter.
  * \retval  0  more data is needed to complete the parse
+Http::One::RequestParser::parseMethodField(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok, const CharacterSet &WspDelim)
-    int second_word = -1; // track the suspected URI start
-    int first_whitespace = -1, last_whitespace = -1; // track the first and last SP byte
-    int line_end = -1; // tracks the last byte BEFORE terminal \r\n or \n sequence
+    // scan for up to 16 valid method characters.
+    static const size_t maxMethodLength = 16; // TODO: make this configurable?
-    debugs(74, 5, "parsing possible request: buf.length=" << buf_.length());
-    debugs(74, DBG_DATA, buf_);
+    // method field is a sequence of TCHAR.
+    SBuf methodFound;
+    if (tok.prefix(methodFound, CharacterSet::TCHAR, maxMethodLength) && tok.skipOne(WspDelim)) {
-    // Single-pass parse: (provided we have the whole line anyways)
+        method_ = HttpRequestMethod(methodFound);
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
+        return 1;
-    req.start = 0;
-    req.end = -1;
-    for (SBuf::size_type i = 0; i < buf_.length(); ++i) {
-        // track first and last whitespace (SP only)
-        if (buf_[i] == ' ') {
-            last_whitespace = i;
-            if (first_whitespace < req.start)
-                first_whitespace = i;
-        }
+    } else if (tok.atEnd()) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data to find method");
+        return 0;
-        // track next non-SP/non-HT byte after first_whitespace
-        if (second_word < first_whitespace && buf_[i] != ' ' && buf_[i] != '\t') {
-            second_word = i;
-        }
+    } // else error(s)
-        // locate line terminator
-        if (buf_[i] == '\n') {
-            req.end = i;
-            line_end = i - 1;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (i < buf_.length() - 1 && buf_[i] == '\r') {
-            if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
-                if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser < 0 && buf_[i + 1] == '\r')
-                    debugs(74, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Invalid HTTP Request: " <<
-                           "Series of carriage-return bytes received prior to line terminator. " <<
-                           "Ignored due to relaxed_header_parser.");
-                // Be tolerant of invalid multiple \r prior to terminal \n
-                if (buf_[i + 1] == '\n' || buf_[i + 1] == '\r')
-                    line_end = i - 1;
-                while (i < buf_.length() - 1 && buf_[i + 1] == '\r')
-                    ++i;
-                if (buf_[i + 1] == '\n') {
-                    req.end = i + 1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (buf_[i + 1] == '\n') {
-                    req.end = i + 1;
-                    line_end = i - 1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
+    // non-delimiter found after accepted method bytes means ...
+    if (methodFound.length() == maxMethodLength) {
+        // method longer than acceptible.
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 mandatory (SHOULD) 501 response
+        request_parse_status = Http::scNotImplemented;
+        debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. method too long");
+    } else {
+        // invalid character in the URL
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 required (SHOULD) 400 response
+        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+        debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. missing method delimiter");
+    }
+    return -1;
-            // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 does not prohibit embeded CR like RFC 2616 used to.
-            // However it does explicitly state an exact syntax which omits un-encoded CR
-            // and defines 400 (Bad Request) as the required action when
-            // handed an invalid request-line.
-            request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
-            return -1;
-        }
+static CharacterSet
+    CharacterSet UriChars("URI-Chars","");
-        // We are expecting printable ascii characters for method/first word
-        if (first_whitespace < 0 && (!xisascii(buf_[i]) || !xisprint(buf_[i]))) {
-            request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
+    /* RFC 3986 section 2:
+     * "
+     *   A URI is composed from a limited set of characters consisting of
+     *   digits, letters, and a few graphic symbols.
+     * "
+     */
+    // RFC 3986 section 2.1 - percent encoding "%" HEXDIG
+    UriChars.add('%');
+    UriChars += CharacterSet::HEXDIG;
+    // RFC 3986 section 2.2 - reserved characters
+    UriChars += CharacterSet("gen-delims", ":/?#[]@");
+    UriChars += CharacterSet("sub-delims", "!$&'()*+,;=");
+    // RFC 3986 section 2.3 - unreserved characters
+    UriChars += CharacterSet::ALPHA;
+    UriChars += CharacterSet::DIGIT;
+    UriChars += CharacterSet("unreserved", "-._~");
-    if (req.end == -1) {
-        // DoS protection against long first-line
-        if ((size_t)buf_.length() >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
-            debugs(33, 5, "Too large request-line");
-            // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 mandatory 414 response if URL longer than acceptible.
-            request_parse_status = Http::scUriTooLong;
-            return -1;
-        }
+    return UriChars;
-        debugs(74, 5, "Parser: retval 0: from " << req.start <<
-               "->" << req.end << ": needs more data to complete first line.");
-        return 0;
-    }
+Http::One::RequestParser::parseUriField(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok)
+    // URI field is a sequence of ... what? segments all have different valid charset
+    // go with non-whitespace non-binary characters for now
+    static CharacterSet UriChars = uriValidCharacters();
+    /* Arbitrary 64KB URI upper length limit.
+     *
+     * Not quite as arbitrary as it seems though. Old SquidString objects
+     * cannot store strings larger than 64KB, so we must limit until they
+     * have all been replaced with SBuf.
+     *
+     * Not that it matters but RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 requires (RECOMMENDED)
+     * at least 8000 octets for the whole line, including method and version.
+     */
+    const size_t maxUriLength = min(static_cast<size_t>(Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) - firstLineSize(),
+                                    static_cast<size_t>((64*1024)-1));
-    // NP: we have now seen EOL, more-data (0) cannot occur.
-    //     From here on any failure is -1, success is 1
+    SBuf uriFound;
-    // Input Validation:
+    // RFC 7230 HTTP/1.x URI are followed by at least one whitespace delimiter
+    if (tok.prefix(uriFound, UriChars, maxUriLength) && tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::SP)) {
+        uri_ = uriFound;
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
+        return 1;
-    // DoS protection against long first-line
-    if ((size_t)(req.end-req.start) >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
-        debugs(33, 5, "Too large request-line");
-        request_parse_status = Http::scUriTooLong;
-        return -1;
+        // RFC 1945 for GET the line terminator may follow URL instead of a delimiter
+    } else if (method_ == Http::METHOD_GET && skipLineTerminator(tok)) {
+        debugs(33, 5, "HTTP/0.9 syntax request-line detected");
+        msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9);
+        uri_ = uriFound; // found by successful prefix() call earlier.
+        request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
+        return 1;
+    } else if (tok.atEnd()) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data to find URI");
+        return 0;
-    // Process what we now know about the line structure into field offsets
-    // generating HTTP status for any aborts as we go.
+    // else errors...
-    // First non-whitespace = beginning of method
-    if (req.start > line_end) {
+    if (uriFound.length() == maxUriLength) {
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 mandatory (MUST) 414 response
+        request_parse_status = Http::scUriTooLong;
+        debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. URI longer than " << maxUriLength << " bytes");
+    } else {
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.1.1 required (SHOULD) 400 response
         request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
-        return -1;
+        debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. missing URI delimiter");
-    req.m_start = req.start;
+    return -1;
-    // First whitespace = end of method
-    if (first_whitespace > line_end || first_whitespace < req.start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // no method
-        return -1;
+Http::One::RequestParser::parseHttpVersionField(::Parser::Tokenizer &tok)
+    // partial match of HTTP/1 magic prefix
+    if (tok.remaining().length() < Http1magic.length() && Http1magic.startsWith(tok.remaining())) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data to find version");
+        return 0;
-    req.m_end = first_whitespace - 1;
-    if (req.m_end < req.m_start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI?
+    if (!tok.skip(Http1magic)) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "invalid request-line. not HTTP/1 protocol");
+        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
         return -1;
-    /* Set method_ */
-    const SBuf tmp = buf_.substr(req.m_start, req.m_end - req.m_start + 1);
-    method_ = HttpRequestMethod(tmp);
-    // First non-whitespace after first SP = beginning of URL+Version
-    if (second_word > line_end || second_word < req.start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
-        return -1;
+    if (tok.atEnd()) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data to find version");
+        return 0;
-    req.u_start = second_word;
-    // RFC 1945: SP and version following URI are optional, marking version 0.9
-    // we identify this by the last whitespace being earlier than URI start
-    if (last_whitespace < second_word && last_whitespace >= req.start) {
-        msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9);
-        req.u_end = line_end;
-        uri_ = buf_.substr(req.u_start, req.u_end - req.u_start + 1);
-        request_parse_status = Http::scOkay; // HTTP/0.9
+    // get the version minor DIGIT
+    SBuf digit;
+    if (tok.prefix(digit, CharacterSet::DIGIT, 1) && skipLineTerminator(tok)) {
+        // found version fully AND terminator
+        msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(1, (*digit.rawContent() - '0'));
+        request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
+        buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
         return 1;
-    } else {
-        // otherwise last whitespace is somewhere after end of URI.
-        req.u_end = last_whitespace;
-        // crop any trailing whitespace in the area we think of as URI
-        for (; req.u_end >= req.u_start && xisspace(buf_[req.u_end]); --req.u_end);
-    }
-    if (req.u_end < req.u_start) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing URI
-        return -1;
-    }
-    uri_ = buf_.substr(req.u_start, req.u_end - req.u_start + 1);
-    // Last whitespace SP = before start of protocol/version
-    if (last_whitespace >= line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest; // missing version
-        return -1;
+    } else if (tok.atEnd() || (tok.skip('\r') && tok.atEnd())) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data to find version");
+        return 0;
+    } // else error ...
+    // non-DIGIT. invalid version number.
+    request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
+    debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. garabge before line terminator");
+    return -1;
+ * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
+ *
+ * Governed by:
+ *  RFC 1945 section 5.1
+ *  RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
+ *
+ * Parsing state is stored between calls. The current implementation uses
+ * checkpoints after each successful request-line field.
+ * The return value tells you whether the parsing is completed or not.
+ *
+ * \retval -1  an error occurred. request_parse_status indicates HTTP status result.
+ * \retval  1  successful parse. member fields contain the request-line items
+ * \retval  0  more data is needed to complete the parse
+ */
+    ::Parser::Tokenizer tok(buf_);
+    debugs(74, 5, "parsing possible request: buf.length=" << buf_.length());
+    debugs(74, DBG_DATA, buf_);
+    // NP: would be static, except it need to change with reconfigure
+    CharacterSet WspDelim = CharacterSet::SP; // strict parse only accepts SP
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.5
+        // tolerant parser MAY accept any of SP, HTAB, VT (%x0B), FF (%x0C), or bare CR
+        // as whitespace between request-line fields
+        WspDelim += CharacterSet::HTAB
+                    + CharacterSet("VT,FF","\x0B\x0C")
+                    + CharacterSet::CR;
+    }
+    // only search for method if we have not yet found one
+    if (method_ == Http::METHOD_NONE) {
+        const int res = parseMethodField(tok, WspDelim);
+        if (res < 1)
+            return res;
+        // else keep going...
-    req.v_start = last_whitespace + 1;
-    req.v_end = line_end;
-    /* RFC 7230 section 2.6 : handle unsupported HTTP major versions cleanly. */
-    if ((req.v_end - req.v_start +1) < (int)Http1magic.length() || !buf_.substr(req.v_start, SBuf::npos).startsWith(Http1magic)) {
-        // non-HTTP/1 protocols not supported / implemented.
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
-        return -1;
+    // tolerant parser allows multiple whitespace characters between request-line fields
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+        const size_t garbage = tok.skipAll(WspDelim);
+        if (garbage > 0) {
+            firstLineGarbage_ += garbage;
+            buf_ = tok.remaining(); // re-checkpoint after garbage
+        }
+    }
+    if (tok.atEnd()) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data");
+        return 0;
-    // NP: magic octets include the protocol name and major version DIGIT.
-    msgProtocol_.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_HTTP;
-    msgProtocol_.major = 1;
-    int i = req.v_start + Http1magic.length() -1;
+    // from here on, we have two possible parse paths: whitespace tolerant, and strict
+    if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+        // whitespace tolerant
-    // catch missing minor part
-    if (++i > line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
-        return -1;
+        // NOTES:
+        // * this would be static, except WspDelim changes with reconfigure
+        // * HTTP-version charset is included by uriValidCharacters()
+        // * terminal CR is included by WspDelim here in relaxed parsing
+        CharacterSet LfDelim = uriValidCharacters() + WspDelim;
+        // seek the LF character, then tokenize the line in reverse
+        SBuf line;
+        if (tok.prefix(line, LfDelim) && tok.skip('\n')) {
+            ::Parser::Tokenizer rTok(line);
+            SBuf nil;
+            (void)rTok.suffix(nil,CharacterSet::CR); // optional CR in terminator
+            SBuf digit;
+            if (rTok.suffix(digit,CharacterSet::DIGIT) && rTok.skipSuffix(Http1magic) && rTok.suffix(nil,WspDelim)) {
+                uri_ = rTok.remaining();
+                msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(1, (*digit.rawContent() - '0'));
+                if (uri_.isEmpty()) {
+                    debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. missing URL");
+                    request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+                    return -1;
+                }
+                request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
+                buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
+                return 1;
+            } else if (method_ == Http::METHOD_GET) {
+                // RFC 1945 - for GET the line terminator may follow URL instead of a delimiter
+                debugs(33, 5, "HTTP/0.9 syntax request-line detected");
+                msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9);
+                static const SBuf cr("\r",1);
+                uri_ = line.trim(cr,false,true);
+                request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
+                buf_ = tok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
+                return 1;
+            }
+            debugs(33, 5, "invalid request-line. not HTTP");
+            request_parse_status = Http::scBadRequest;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data");
+        return 0;
-    /* next should be one or more digits */
-    if (!isdigit(buf_[i])) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
-        return -1;
+    // else strict non-whitespace tolerant parse
+    // only search for request-target (URL) if we have not yet found one
+    if (uri_.isEmpty()) {
+        const int res = parseUriField(tok);
+        if (res < 1 || msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP)
+            return res;
+        // else keep going...
-    int min = 0;
-    for (; i <= line_end && (isdigit(buf_[i])) && min < 65536; ++i) {
-        min = min * 10;
-        min = min + (buf_[i]) - '0';
+    if (tok.atEnd()) {
+        debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data");
+        return 0;
-    // catch too-big values or trailing garbage
-    if (min >= 65536 || i < line_end) {
-        request_parse_status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported;
-        return -1;
+    // HTTP/1 version suffix (protocol magic) followed by CR*LF
+    if (msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_NONE) {
+        return parseHttpVersionField(tok);
-    msgProtocol_.minor = min;
-    /*
-     * Rightio - we have all the schtuff. Return true; we've got enough.
-     */
-    request_parse_status = Http::scOkay;
-    return 1;
+    // If we got here this method has been called too many times
+    request_parse_status = Http::scInternalServerError;
+    debugs(33, 5, "ERROR: Parser already processed request-line");
+    return -1;
 Http::One::RequestParser::parse(const SBuf &aBuf)
     buf_ = aBuf;
     debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "Parse buf={length=" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
     // stage 1: locate the request-line
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {
         // if we hit something before EOS treat it as a message
         if (!buf_.isEmpty())
             parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
             return false;
     // stage 2: parse the request-line
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_FIRST) {
         const int retcode = parseRequestFirstLine();
         // first-line (or a look-alike) found successfully.
         if (retcode > 0) {
-            buf_.consume(firstLineSize()); // first line bytes including CRLF terminator are now done.
             parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_MIME;
-        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: retval " << retcode << ": from " << req.start << "->" << req.end <<
-               " line={" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
-        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: method " << req.m_start << "->" << req.m_end << " (" << method_ << ")");
-        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: url " << req.u_start << "->" << req.u_end << " (" << uri_ << ")");
-        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: proto " << req.v_start << "->" << req.v_end << " (" << msgProtocol_ << ")");
+        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: retval " << retcode << ": line={" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
+        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: method: " << method_);
+        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: url: " << uri_);
+        debugs(74, 5, "request-line: proto: " << msgProtocol_);
         debugs(74, 5, "Parser: bytes processed=" << (aBuf.length()-buf_.length()));
         // syntax errors already
         if (retcode < 0) {
             parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
             return false;
     // stage 3: locate the mime header block
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_MIME) {
         // HTTP/1.x request-line is valid and parsing completed.
         if (msgProtocol_.major == 1) {
             /* NOTE: HTTP/0.9 requests do not have a mime header block.
              *       So the rest of the code will need to deal with '0'-byte headers
              *       (ie, none, so don't try parsing em)
             int64_t mimeHeaderBytes = 0;
             // XXX: c_str() reallocates. performance regression.

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.h'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2015-02-06 12:29:44 +0000
@@ -1,74 +1,76 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "http/one/Parser.h"
 #include "http/RequestMethod.h"
 #include "http/StatusCode.h"
+namespace Parser {
+class Tokenizer;
 namespace Http {
 namespace One {
 /** HTTP/1.x protocol request parser
  * Works on a raw character I/O buffer and tokenizes the content into
  * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 request message:
  * \item request-line (method, URL, protocol, version)
  * \item mime-header (set of RFC2616 syntax header fields)
 class RequestParser : public Http1::Parser
     virtual ~RequestParser() {}
     /* Http::One::Parser API */
     virtual void clear() {*this = RequestParser();}
-    virtual Http1::Parser::size_type firstLineSize() const {return req.end - req.start + 1;}
+    virtual Http1::Parser::size_type firstLineSize() const;
     virtual bool parse(const SBuf &aBuf);
     /// the HTTP method if this is a request message
     const HttpRequestMethod & method() const {return method_;}
     /// the request-line URI if this is a request message, or an empty string.
     const SBuf &requestUri() const {return uri_;}
     /** HTTP status code to be used on the invalid-request error page.
      * Http::scNone indicates incomplete parse,
      * Http::scOkay indicates no error.
     Http::StatusCode request_parse_status;
     void skipGarbageLines();
     int parseRequestFirstLine();
-    /// Offsets for pieces of the (HTTP request) Request-Line as per RFC 7230 section 3.1.1.
-    /// only valid before and during parse stage HTTP_PARSE_FIRST
-    struct request_offsets {
-        int start, end;
-        int m_start, m_end; // method
-        int u_start, u_end; // url
-        int v_start, v_end; // version (full text)
-    } req;
+    int parseMethodField(::Parser::Tokenizer &, const CharacterSet &);
+    int parseUriField(::Parser::Tokenizer &);
+    int parseHttpVersionField(::Parser::Tokenizer &);
     /// what request method has been found on the first line
     HttpRequestMethod method_;
-    /// raw copy of the original client reqeust-line URI field
+    /// raw copy of the original client request-line URI field
     SBuf uri_;
+    /// amount of garbage bytes tolerantly skipped inside the request-line
+    /// may be -1 if sender only omitted CR on terminator
+    int64_t firstLineGarbage_;
 } // namespace One
 } // namespace Http

=== modified file 'src/parser/Tokenizer.cc'
--- src/parser/Tokenizer.cc	2015-01-23 10:30:32 +0000
+++ src/parser/Tokenizer.cc	2015-02-06 12:32:25 +0000
@@ -65,58 +65,96 @@
     returnedToken = consume(tokenLen); // cannot be empty
     return true;
 Parser::Tokenizer::prefix(SBuf &returnedToken, const CharacterSet &tokenChars, const SBuf::size_type limit)
     SBuf::size_type prefixLen = buf_.substr(0,limit).findFirstNotOf(tokenChars);
     if (prefixLen == 0)
         return false;
     if (prefixLen == SBuf::npos && (atEnd() || limit == 0))
         return false;
     if (prefixLen == SBuf::npos && limit > 0)
         prefixLen = limit;
     returnedToken = consume(prefixLen); // cannot be empty after the npos check
     return true;
+Parser::Tokenizer::suffix(SBuf &returnedToken, const CharacterSet &tokenChars, const SBuf::size_type limit)
+    SBuf span = buf_;
+    if (limit < buf_.length())
+        span.consume(buf_.length() - limit); // ignore the N prefix characters
+    auto i = span.rbegin();
+    SBuf::size_type found = 0;
+    while (i != span.rend() && tokenChars[*i]) {
+        ++i;
+        ++found;
+    }
+    if (!found)
+        return false;
+    returnedToken = buf_;
+    buf_ = returnedToken.consume(buf_.length() - found);
+    return true;
 Parser::Tokenizer::skipAll(const CharacterSet &tokenChars)
     const SBuf::size_type prefixLen = buf_.findFirstNotOf(tokenChars);
     if (prefixLen == 0)
         return 0;
     return success(prefixLen);
 Parser::Tokenizer::skipOne(const CharacterSet &chars)
     if (!buf_.isEmpty() && chars[buf_[0]])
         return success(1);
     return false;
+Parser::Tokenizer::skipSuffix(const SBuf &tokenToSkip)
+    if (buf_.length() < tokenToSkip.length())
+        return false;
+    SBuf::size_type offset = 0;
+    if (tokenToSkip.length() < buf_.length())
+        offset = buf_.length() - tokenToSkip.length();
+    if (buf_.substr(offset, SBuf::npos).cmp(tokenToSkip) == 0) {
+        buf_ = buf_.substr(0,offset);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
 Parser::Tokenizer::skip(const SBuf &tokenToSkip)
     if (buf_.startsWith(tokenToSkip))
         return success(tokenToSkip.length());
     return false;
 Parser::Tokenizer::skip(const char tokenChar)
     if (!buf_.isEmpty() && buf_[0] == tokenChar)
         return success(1);
     return false;
 /* reworked from compat/strtoll.c */
 Parser::Tokenizer::int64(int64_t & result, int base)
     if (buf_.isEmpty())

=== modified file 'src/parser/Tokenizer.h'
--- src/parser/Tokenizer.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/parser/Tokenizer.h	2015-02-06 12:32:26 +0000
@@ -53,40 +53,61 @@
      *  Want to extract delimiters? Use prefix() instead.
      *  Note that Tokenizer cannot tell whether the trailing delimiters will
      *  continue when/if more input data becomes available later.
      * \return true if found a non-empty token followed by a delimiter
     bool token(SBuf &returnedToken, const CharacterSet &delimiters);
     /** Extracts all sequential permitted characters up to an optional length limit.
      *  Note that Tokenizer cannot tell whether the prefix will
      *  continue when/if more input data becomes available later.
      * \retval true one or more characters were found, the sequence (string) is placed in returnedToken
      * \retval false no characters from the permitted set were found
     bool prefix(SBuf &returnedToken, const CharacterSet &tokenChars, SBuf::size_type limit = SBuf::npos);
+    /** Extracts all sequential permitted characters up to an optional length limit.
+     * Operates on the trailing end of the buffer.
+     *
+     *  Note that Tokenizer cannot tell whether the buffer will
+     *  gain more data when/if more input becomes available later.
+     *
+     * \retval true one or more characters were found, the sequence (string) is placed in returnedToken
+     * \retval false no characters from the permitted set were found
+     */
+    bool suffix(SBuf &returnedToken, const CharacterSet &tokenChars, SBuf::size_type limit = SBuf::npos);
+    /** skips a given suffix character sequence (string)
+     * Operates on the trailing end of the buffer.
+     *
+     *  Note that Tokenizer cannot tell whether the buffer will
+     *  gain more data when/if more input becomes available later.
+     *
+     * \return whether the exact character sequence was found and skipped
+     */
+    bool skipSuffix(const SBuf &tokenToSkip);
     /** skips a given character sequence (string)
      * \return whether the exact character sequence was found and skipped
     bool skip(const SBuf &tokenToSkip);
     /** skips a given single character
      * \return whether the character was skipped
     bool skip(const char tokenChar);
     /** Skips a single character from the set.
      * \return whether a character was skipped
     bool skipOne(const CharacterSet &discardables);
     /** Skips all sequential characters from the set, in any order.

=== modified file 'src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc'
--- src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc	2015-01-16 16:18:05 +0000
+++ src/tests/testHttp1Parser.cc	2015-02-06 12:34:54 +0000
@@ -1,1390 +1,1140 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
 #define private public
 #define protected public
+#include "Debug.h"
 #include "http/one/RequestParser.h"
 #include "http/RequestMethod.h"
 #include "MemBuf.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "testHttp1Parser.h"
 #include "testHttp1Parser.h"
 #include "unitTestMain.h"
     static bool setup_done = false;
     if (setup_done)
     setup_done = true;
     // default to strict parser. set for loose parsing specifically where behaviour differs.
     Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
     Config.maxRequestHeaderSize = 1024; // XXX: unit test the RequestParser handling of this limit
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
 struct resultSet {
     bool parsed;
     bool needsMore;
     Http1::ParseState parserState;
     Http::StatusCode status;
-    int msgStart;
-    int msgEnd;
     SBuf::size_type suffixSz;
-    int methodStart;
-    int methodEnd;
     HttpRequestMethod method;
-    int uriStart;
-    int uriEnd;
     const char *uri;
-    int versionStart;
-    int versionEnd;
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion version;
 static void
 testResults(int line, const SBuf &input, Http1::RequestParser &output, struct resultSet &expect)
     printf("TEST @%d, in=%u: " SQUIDSBUFPH "\n", line, input.length(), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(input));
+    // runs the parse
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.parsed, output.parse(input));
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.needsMore, output.needsMoreData());
-    if (output.needsMoreData())
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.parserState, output.parsingStage_);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.status, output.request_parse_status);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.msgStart, output.req.start);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.msgEnd, output.req.end);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.suffixSz, output.buf_.length());
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.methodStart, output.req.m_start);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.methodEnd, output.req.m_end);
+    // check easily visible field outputs
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.method, output.method_);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.uriStart, output.req.u_start);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.uriEnd, output.req.u_end);
     if (expect.uri != NULL)
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, output.uri_.cmp(expect.uri));
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.versionStart, output.req.v_start);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.versionEnd, output.req.v_end);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.version, output.msgProtocol_);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.status, output.request_parse_status);
+    // check more obscure states
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.needsMore, output.needsMoreData());
+    if (output.needsMoreData())
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.parserState, output.parsingStage_);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.suffixSz, output.buf_.length());
 #endif /* __cplusplus >= 200103L */
     // whether the constructor works
         Http1::RequestParser output;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, output.needsMoreData());
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE, output.parsingStage_);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output.request_parse_status); // XXX: clear() not being called.
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.end);
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output.request_parse_status);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.m_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.m_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_NONE), output.method_);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.u_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.u_end);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.v_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output.req.v_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AnyP::ProtocolVersion(), output.msgProtocol_);
     // whether new() works
         Http1::RequestParser *output = new Http1::RequestParser;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, output->needsMoreData());
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE, output->parsingStage_);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Http::scNone, output->request_parse_status);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.end);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.m_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.m_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_NONE), output->method_);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.u_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.u_end);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.v_start);
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, output->req.v_end);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AnyP::ProtocolVersion(), output->msgProtocol_);
         delete output;
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
     // ensure MemPools etc exist
     SBuf input;
     Http1::RequestParser output;
     // TEST: Do we comply with RFC 1945 section 5.1 ?
-    // TEST: Do we comply with RFC 2616 section 5.1 ?
+    // TEST: Do we comply with RFC 7230 sections 2.6, 3.1.1 and 3.5 ?
     // RFC 1945 : HTTP/0.9 simple-request
         input.append("GET /\r\n", 7);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = true,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // RFC 1945 : invalid HTTP/0.9 simple-request (only GET is valid)
-        input.append("POST /\r\n", 7);
+        input.append("POST /\r\n", 8);
         struct resultSet expect = {
-            .parsed = true,
+            .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
-            .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 3,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = 3,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_POST),
-            .uriStart = 5,
-            .uriEnd = 5,
-            .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
+            .uri = NULL,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // RFC 1945 and 2616 : HTTP/1.0 request
+    // RFC 1945 and 7230 : HTTP/1.0 request
         input.append("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n", 16);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,0)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // RFC 2616 : HTTP/1.1 request
+    // RFC 7230 : HTTP/1.1 request
         input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 16);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // RFC 2616 : future version full-request
+    // RFC 7230 : future version full-request
         input.append("GET / HTTP/1.2\r\n", 16);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,2)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // RFC 7230 : future versions do not use request-line syntax
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/2.0\r\n", 16);
+        struct resultSet expectA = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
+            .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = "/",
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectA);
+        input.clear();
         input.append("GET / HTTP/10.12\r\n", 18);
-        struct resultSet expect = {
+        struct resultSet expectB = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 15,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectB);
     // unknown non-HTTP protocol names
-        input.append("GET / FOO/1.0\n", 14);
+        input.append("GET / FOO/1.0\r\n", 15);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 12,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // no version
+    // no version digits
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/\n", 12);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/\r\n", 13);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 10,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // no major version
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/.1\n", 14);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/.1\r\n", 15);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 12,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // no version dot
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/11\n", 14);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/11\r\n", 15);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 12,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // negative major version (bug 3062)
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/-999999.1\n", 21);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/-999999.1\r\n", 22);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 19,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // no minor version
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.\n", 14);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.\r\n", 15);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 12,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,0)
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // negative major version (bug 3062 corollary)
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.-999999\n", 21);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.-999999\r\n", 22);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 19,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,0)
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // ensure MemPools etc exist
     SBuf input;
     Http1::RequestParser output;
     // space padded URL
         input.append("GET  /     HTTP/1.1\r\n", 21);
+        // when being tolerant extra (sequential) SP delimiters are acceptable
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 5,
-            .uriEnd = 5,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 11,
-            .versionEnd = 18,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-4,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
     // whitespace inside URI. (nasty but happens)
-    // XXX: depends on tolerant parser...
-        input.append("GET /fo o/ HTTP/1.1\n", 20);
+        input.append("GET /fo o/ HTTP/1.1\r\n", 21);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 9,
             .uri = "/fo o/",
-            .versionStart = 11,
-            .versionEnd = 18,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported, // version being "o/ HTTP/1.1"
+            .suffixSz = 13,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
     // additional data in buffer
-        input.append("GET /     HTTP/1.1\nboo!", 23);
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nboo!", 20);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-5,
             .suffixSz = 4, // strlen("boo!")
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 10,
-            .versionEnd = 17,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
     // ensure MemPools etc exist
     SBuf input;
     Http1::RequestParser output;
     // alternative EOL sequence: NL-only
+    // RFC 7230 tolerance permits omitted CR
         input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\n", 15);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-        input.clear();
-    }
-    // alternative EOL sequence: double-NL-only
-    {
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n", 16);
-        struct resultSet expect = {
-            .parsed = true,
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
-            .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-2,
-            .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
+            .suffixSz = 9,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
-    // alternative EOL sequence: multi-CR-NL
+    // alternative EOL sequence: double-NL-only
+    // RFC 7230 tolerance permits omitted CR
+    // NP: represents a request with no mime headers
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\r\r\n", 18);
-        // Being tolerant we can ignore and elide these apparently benign CR
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n", 16);
         Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
-        struct resultSet expectRelaxed = {
-            .parsed = false,
-            .needsMore = true,
-            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = true,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectRelaxed);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-        // strict mode treats these as several bare-CR in the request line which is explicitly invalid.
         Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
         struct resultSet expectStrict = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
-            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
-            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart =-1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
-            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
-            .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
+            .suffixSz = 10,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = "/",
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
     // space padded version
-        // RFC 1945 and 2616 specify version is followed by CRLF. No intermediary bytes.
-        // NP: the terminal whitespace is a special case: invalid for even HTTP/0.9 with no version tag
-        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1 \n", 16);
+        // RFC 7230 specifies version is followed by CRLF. No intermediary bytes.
+        input.append("GET / HTTP/1.1 \r\n", 17);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
-            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .status = Http::scHttpVersionNotSupported,
+            .suffixSz = input.length()-6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 13,
-            .uri = "/ HTTP/1.1",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
+            .uri = "/",
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // ensure MemPools etc exist
     SBuf input;
     Http1::RequestParser output;
-    // RFC 2616 : . method
+    // RFC 7230 : dot method
-        input.append(". / HTTP/1.1\n", 13);
+        input.append(". / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 14);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 0,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf(".")),
-            .uriStart = 2,
-            .uriEnd = 2,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 4,
-            .versionEnd = 11,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        input.clear();
+    }
+    // RFC 7230 : special TCHAR method chars
+    {
+        input.append("!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~ / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 28);
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = true,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
+            .status = Http::scOkay,
+            .suffixSz = 0,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf("!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~")),
+            .uri = "/",
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // OPTIONS with * URL
-        input.append("OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\n", 19);
+        input.append("OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\n", 20);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 6,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_OPTIONS),
-            .uriStart = 8,
-            .uriEnd = 8,
             .uri = "*",
-            .versionStart = 10,
-            .versionEnd = 17,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // unknown method
-        input.append("HELLOWORLD / HTTP/1.1\n", 22);
+        input.append("HELLOWORLD / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 23);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 9,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf("HELLOWORLD")),
-            .uriStart = 11,
-            .uriEnd = 11,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 13,
-            .versionEnd = 20,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+    // too-long method (over 16 bytes)
+    {
+        input.append("HELLOSTRANGEWORLD / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 31);
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scNotImplemented,
+            .suffixSz = input.length(),
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        input.clear();
+    }
     // method-only
         input.append("A\n", 2);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
         input.append("GET\n", 4);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // space padded method (in strict mode SP is reserved so invalid as a method byte)
+    // space padded method (SP is reserved so invalid as a method byte)
-        input.append(" GET / HTTP/1.1\n", 16);
-        // RELAXED mode Squid custom tolerance ignores SP
+        input.append(" GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 17);
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = input.length(),
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        input.clear();
+    }
+    // RFC 7230 defined tolerance: ignore empty line(s) prefix on messages
+    {
+        input.append("\r\n\r\n\nGET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 21);
         Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
-        struct resultSet expectRelaxed = {
+        struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0, // garbage collection consumes the SP
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-2,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectRelaxed);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-        // STRICT mode obeys RFC syntax
         Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
         struct resultSet expectStrict = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
-    // RFC 2616 defined tolerance: ignore empty line(s) prefix on messages
+    // forbidden character in method
-        input.append("\r\n\r\n\nGET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 21);
+        input.append("\tGET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 17);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = input.length(),
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        input.clear();
+    }
+    // CR in method delimiters
+    {
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.5 permits CR in whitespace but only for tolerant parsers
+        input.append("GET\r / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 17);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = true,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 5,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = 5,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
+            .suffixSz = 0,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 4,
             .uri = "/",
-            .versionStart = 6,
-            .versionEnd = 13,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = input.length(),
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
-    // tab padded method (NP: tab is not SP so treated as any other binary)
+    // tolerant parser delimiters
-        input.append("\tGET / HTTP/1.1\n", 16);
+        // RFC 7230 section 3.5 permits certain binary characters as whitespace delimiters
+        input.append("GET\r\t\x0B\x0C / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 20);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = true,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
+            .status = Http::scOkay,
+            .suffixSz = 0,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = "/",
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1)
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, //Halt on \t, no valid method char
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
     // ensure MemPools etc exist
     SBuf input;
     Http1::RequestParser output;
-    // no method (but in a form which is ambiguous with HTTP/0.9 simple-request)
+    // no method (or method delimiter)
-        // XXX: HTTP/0.9 requires method to be "GET"
+        // HTTP/0.9 requires method to be "GET"
         input.append("/ HTTP/1.0\n", 11);
         struct resultSet expect = {
-            .parsed = true,
-            .needsMore = false,
-            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
-            .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
-            .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 0,
-            .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf("/")),
-            .uriStart = 2,
-            .uriEnd = 9,
-            .uri = "HTTP/1.0",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
-        };
-        output.clear();
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-        input.clear();
-    }
-    // no method (an invalid format)
-    {
-        input.append(" / HTTP/1.0\n", 12);
-        // squid custom tolerance consumes initial SP.
-        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
-        struct resultSet expectRelaxed = {
-            .parsed = true,
-            .needsMore = false,
-            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME,
-            .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-2,
-            .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 0,
-            .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf("/")),
-            .uriStart = 2,
-            .uriEnd = 9,
-            .uri = "HTTP/1.0",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
-        };
-        output.clear();
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectRelaxed);
-        // a compliant or strict parse, detects as invalid
-        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
-        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-        // XXX: for now Squid confuses this with HTTP/0.9
-        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
-            .parsed = true,
-            .needsMore = false,
-            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
-            .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-2,
-            .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 0,
-            .method = HttpRequestMethod(SBuf("/")),
-            .uriStart = 2,
-            .uriEnd = 9,
-            .uri = "HTTP/1.0",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
-            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
-        };
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // binary code in method (invalid)
+    // no method (with method delimiter)
-        input.append("GET\x0B / HTTP/1.1\n", 16);
-        struct resultSet expect = {
+        input.append(" / HTTP/1.0\n", 12);
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, //Halt on \x0B, no valid method char
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
-    // CR in method
+    // binary code in method (invalid)
-        // RFC 2616 sec 5.1 prohibits CR other than in terminator.
-        input.append("GET\r / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 16);
+        input.append("GET\x0A / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 17);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, // halt at the first \r
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // binary code NUL! in method (strange but ...)
+    // binary code NUL! in method (always invalid)
-        input.append("GET\0 / HTTP/1.1\n", 16);
+        input.append("GET\0 / HTTP/1.1\r\n", 17);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, // halt at the \0
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // no URL (grammer invalid, ambiguous with RFC 1945 HTTP/0.9 simple-request)
-        input.append("GET  HTTP/1.1\n", 14);
+        input.append("GET  HTTP/1.1\r\n", 15);
+        // RFC 7230 tolerance allows sequence of SP to make this ambiguous
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = true,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 5,
-            .uriEnd = 12,
             .uri = "HTTP/1.1",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
+        Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 0;
+        struct resultSet expectStrict = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = false,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
+            .status = Http::scBadRequest,
+            .suffixSz = 11,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
+        output.clear();
+        testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expectStrict);
     // no URL (grammer invalid, ambiguous with RFC 1945 HTTP/0.9 simple-request)
-        input.append("GET HTTP/1.1\n", 13);
+        input.append("GET HTTP/1.1\r\n", 14);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = true,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scOkay,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = (int)input.length()-1,
             .suffixSz = 0,
-            .methodStart = 0,
-            .methodEnd = 2,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET),
-            .uriStart = 4,
-            .uriEnd = 11,
             .uri = "HTTP/1.1",
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,0,9)
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // binary line
         input.append("\xB\xC\xE\xF\n", 5);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, //Halt on \xB, no valid method char
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // mixed whitespace line
-        // We accept non-space binary bytes for method so first \t shows up as that
-        // but remaining space and tabs are skipped searching for URI-start
         input.append("\t \t \t\n", 6);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, //Halt on \t, no valid method char
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
-    // mixed whitespace line with CR middle
+    // mixed whitespace line with CR
-        // CR aborts on sight, so even initial \t method is not marked as above
-        // (not when parsing clean with whole line available anyway)
-        input.append("\t  \r \n", 6);
+        input.append("\r  \t \n", 6);
         struct resultSet expect = {
             .parsed = false,
             .needsMore = false,
             .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_DONE,
             .status = Http::scBadRequest,
-            .msgStart = 0,
-            .msgEnd = -1, // halt on the \r
             .suffixSz = input.length(),
-            .methodStart = -1,
-            .methodEnd = -1,
             .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-            .uriStart = -1,
-            .uriEnd = -1,
             .uri = NULL,
-            .versionStart = -1,
-            .versionEnd = -1,
             .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
         testResults(__LINE__, input, output, expect);
     // Simulate a client drip-feeding Squid a few bytes at a time.
     // extend the size of the buffer from 0 bytes to full request length
     // calling the parser repeatedly as visible data grows.
     SBuf data;
-    data.append("            ", 12);
     data.append("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", 12);
     SBuf::size_type garbageEnd = data.length();
-    data.append("GET http://example.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\n", 34);
+    data.append("GET ", 4);
+    SBuf::size_type methodEnd = data.length()-1;
+    data.append("http://example.com/ ", 20);
+    SBuf::size_type uriEnd = data.length()-1;
+    data.append("HTTP/1.1\r\n", 10);
     SBuf::size_type reqLineEnd = data.length() - 1;
     data.append("Host: example.com\r\n\r\n", 21);
     SBuf::size_type mimeEnd = data.length() - 1;
     data.append("...", 3); // trailer to catch mime EOS errors.
-    SBuf ioBuf; // begins empty
+    SBuf ioBuf;
     Http1::RequestParser hp;
-    // only relaxed parser accepts the garbage whitespace
-    Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 1;
-    // state of things we expect right now
-    struct resultSet expect = {
-        .parsed = false,
-        .needsMore = true,
-        .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE,
-        .status = Http::scNone,
-        .msgStart = -1,
-        .msgEnd = -1,
-        .suffixSz = 0,
-        .methodStart = -1,
-        .methodEnd = -1,
-        .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
-        .uriStart = -1,
-        .uriEnd = -1,
-        .uri = NULL,
-        .versionStart = -1,
-        .versionEnd = -1,
-        .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
-    };
+    // start with strict and move on to relaxed
+    Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser = 2;
     Config.maxRequestHeaderSize = 1024; // large enough to hold the test data.
-    for (SBuf::size_type pos = 0; pos <= data.length(); ++pos) {
+    do {
+        // state of things we expect right now
+        struct resultSet expect = {
+            .parsed = false,
+            .needsMore = true,
+            .parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_NONE,
+            .status = Http::scNone,
+            .suffixSz = 0,
+            .method = HttpRequestMethod(),
+            .uri = NULL,
+            .version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion()
+        };
-        // simulate reading one more byte
-        ioBuf.append(data.substr(pos,1));
+        ioBuf.clear(); // begins empty for each parser type
+        hp.clear();
-        // when the garbage is passed we expect to start seeing first-line bytes
-        if (pos == garbageEnd) {
-            expect.parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
-            expect.msgStart = 0;
-        }
+        --Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser;
-        // all points after garbage start to see accumulated bytes looking for end of current section
-        if (pos >= garbageEnd)
-            expect.suffixSz = ioBuf.length();
-        // at end of request line expect to see method, URI, version details
-        // and switch to seeking Mime header section
-        if (pos == reqLineEnd) {
-            expect.parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME;
-            expect.suffixSz = 0;
-            expect.msgEnd = reqLineEnd-garbageEnd;
-            expect.status = Http::scOkay;
-            expect.methodStart = 0;
-            expect.methodEnd = 2;
-            expect.method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET);
-            expect.uriStart = 4;
-            expect.uriEnd = 22;
-            expect.uri = "http://example.com/";
-            expect.versionStart = 24;
-            expect.versionEnd = 31;
-            expect.version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1);
-        }
+        for (SBuf::size_type pos = 0; pos <= data.length(); ++pos) {
-        // one mime header is done we are expecting a new request
-        // parse results say true and initial data is all gone from the buffer
-        if (pos == mimeEnd) {
-            expect.parsed = true;
-            expect.needsMore = false;
-            expect.suffixSz = 0;
+            // simulate reading one more byte
+            ioBuf.append(data.substr(pos,1));
+            // strict does not permit the garbage prefix
+            if (pos < garbageEnd && !Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+                ioBuf.clear();
+                continue;
+            }
+            // when the garbage is passed we expect to start seeing first-line bytes
+            if (pos == garbageEnd)
+                expect.parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_FIRST;
+            // all points after garbage start to see accumulated bytes looking for end of current section
+            if (pos >= garbageEnd)
+                expect.suffixSz = ioBuf.length();
+            // at end of request line expect to see method details
+            if (pos == methodEnd) {
+                expect.suffixSz = 0; // and a checkpoint buffer reset
+                expect.method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET);
+            }
+            // at end of URI strict expects to see method, URI details
+            // relaxed must wait to end of line for whitespace tolerance
+            if (pos == uriEnd && !Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
+                expect.suffixSz = 0; // and a checkpoint buffer reset
+                expect.uri = "http://example.com/";
+            }
+            // at end of request line expect to see method, URI, version details
+            // and switch to seeking Mime header section
+            if (pos == reqLineEnd) {
+                expect.parserState = Http1::HTTP_PARSE_MIME;
+                expect.suffixSz = 0; // and a checkpoint buffer reset
+                expect.status = Http::scOkay;
+                expect.method = HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_GET);
+                expect.uri = "http://example.com/";
+                expect.version = AnyP::ProtocolVersion(AnyP::PROTO_HTTP,1,1);
+            }
+            // one mime header is done we are expecting a new request
+            // parse results say true and initial data is all gone from the buffer
+            if (pos == mimeEnd) {
+                expect.parsed = true;
+                expect.needsMore = false;
+                expect.suffixSz = 0; // and a checkpoint buffer reset
+            }
+            testResults(__LINE__, ioBuf, hp, expect);
+            // sync the buffers like Squid does
+            ioBuf = hp.remaining();
+            // Squid stops using the parser once it has parsed the first message.
+            if (!hp.needsMoreData())
+                break;
-        testResults(__LINE__, ioBuf, hp, expect);
+    } while (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser);
-        // sync the buffers like Squid does
-        ioBuf = hp.remaining();
-        // Squid stops using the parser once it has parsed the first message.
-        if (!hp.needsMoreData())
-            break;
-    }
 #endif /* __cplusplus >= 201103L */

=== modified file 'src/tests/testHttp1Parser.h'
--- src/tests/testHttp1Parser.h	2015-01-13 07:25:36 +0000
+++ src/tests/testHttp1Parser.h	2015-02-06 12:34:54 +0000
@@ -1,45 +1,46 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
 class testHttp1Parser : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( testHttp1Parser );
+    // object basics are working, just in case.
     CPPUNIT_TEST( testParserConstruct );
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
-    CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineTerminators );
+    CPPUNIT_TEST( testDripFeed );
     CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineMethods );
     CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineProtocols );
+    CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineTerminators );
     CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineStrange );
     CPPUNIT_TEST( testParseRequestLineInvalid );
-    CPPUNIT_TEST( testDripFeed );
     void globalSetup(); // MemPools init etc.
     void testParserConstruct(); // whether the constructor works
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
     // request-line unit tests
     void testParseRequestLineTerminators(); // terminator detection correct
     void testParseRequestLineMethods();     // methoid detection correct
     void testParseRequestLineProtocols();   // protocol tokens handled correctly
     void testParseRequestLineStrange();     // strange but valid lines accepted
     void testParseRequestLineInvalid();     // rejection of invalid lines happens
     void testDripFeed(); // test incremental parse works

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